
Review Detail of Ashton_A in Shadow Slave

Ulasan detail


Over my course of reading novels for years I have to say this is by far one of if not the best novel I've ever read. The plot, background, and characters are original following NO cliches, they are utterly amazing and brings a new concept to magic and powers. The character in no way feel one dimensional and all feel like living, breathing characters. The main character is relatable but at the same time not as we are not in his situation. The MC has a brain and uses it yet actually has emotions even though at first he seems kind of cruel which was pretty cool also. MC is not OP but also not weak and uses his intelligence to defeat his obstacles including the greatest one, his flaw. Flaws an amazing system the author made to show some kind of downside of getting powers besides the obvious risk of death in a nightmare. At first I was unconvinced by the flaws importance to the novel and felt something were forced for about... 1 chapter. The chapter after I immediately realized the importance of the flaw and how satisfying it was to see him shape what he says in a way that doesnt break the rules of his flaw. Him outsmarting others even while under a flaw is the most satisfying thing ever. Personally, I abhore any romance in novels, mainly because its a reminder of my loneliness and it is usually forced or stupid, however even though they havent yet, there are moments, and I will genuinely stab my eyes out if the MC and Changing Star don't hook up, perfect webnovel couple. The grammar is impeccable, not sure about updating stability because I just read it all in one go. Background is detailed without being too much exposition, and is ORIGINAL and actually very interesting. Especially the authors way of utilizing prophecies which I cant go to far into because of spoiling. But the prophecy seemed well though out, had me wishing for a explanation, and honestly cant complain. All in all this novel is the one true gem of webnovel and should make all the other trash bow down and delete itself. I am now going to donate power stones every day. Please give this novel a chance, while its a little slow at first, after a few chapters it will not dissapoint. Especially the comedy, its actually funny. Author, never give up on this novel or I will hunt you down and make you continue writing. This feels like it has been written by a famous author.

Shadow Slave


Disukai oleh 1181 orang




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Longest review I have ever written, which shows my faith in this novel. If it gets any better, I will worship it as the shadow god.


Thank you very much! You've made my day.



Guiltythree:Thank you very much! You've made my day.

Congrats on premium!


Great review and couldn't agree more


Personally, I abhore any romance in novels, mainly because its a reminder of my loneliness and it is usually forced or stupid, This hits too close to home


I honestly couldn't write a review describing my feelings on this novel better then you did


The couple thing aside I like ur review She and him relationship just makes mc a lackey


hey can anyone help me find a novel like it


well, i had my doubts about reading this, but any novel that can have a review this long deserves a chance


thank you

Divine_univers:I honestly couldn't write a review describing my feelings on this novel better then you did

Me too brother.

KidAnnihilation:Personally, I abhore any romance in novels, mainly because its a reminder of my loneliness and it is usually forced or stupid, This hits too close to home

use paragraphs next time xd


This review is perfect it doesn’t spoil the story and it says all of the opinions that everyone can agree on


10 out of 10


you just spoke out exactly how i felt about the novel and every point you made was jus better than mine now I feel stupid for wasting an hour to write my review but where exactly can I join the shadow cult?


there's nothing like it because it's so good or better: it's so good because there's nothing like it

Ishaan_raj:hey can anyone help me find a novel like it

In my paypal

Siminala:you just spoke out exactly how i felt about the novel and every point you made was jus better than mine now I feel stupid for wasting an hour to write my review but where exactly can I join the shadow cult?


Ashton_A:In my paypal

Man I wrote this review half asleep and I come back to it months later and it's my highest liked review, thank you.