
Review Detail of Lucifer_Loop_ in My System Academy

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Book is good although some parts confuse me. Author i will like to get your reply for it Age system of different species. This really have many holes like elves have 3 times the human age but if you see it in more practical way doesn't it seem like elves are 3 times slower than human in all things. Like if 30 human years is considered average for becoming adept wizard, so it will take 90 human years for elves to do it. This really confuses me and 32 years is 13 years old girl , bro even if she doesn't physically seem 32 years but mentally she will be 32 and if you make 32 years naive then doesn't it mean she is dumb and slow compared to humans . Author i will really like to hear your explanation

My System Academy


Disukai oleh 4 orang




Depends on their magic root but generally they could be categorized as normal.

Lucifer_Loop_:and one more , for a 72 year old human at adept wizard , will it be considered talented like genius or normal

Ah, well my age system is somewhat related to the 'growth' of species from one to another. Just like how humans have longer lives than dogs or cats, a similar logic can be applied here. Organs like brain and such develop slower for demi-humans, resulting to them maturing slower than the others. Of course, if they (demi-humans) are nurtured 'properly', some unusual specimen can and will develop 'faster' than the norm of their group, most likely on equal terms to a human or even surpass it.


I get the gist of it but i still want to clear one thing. If it takes 4 years to graduate for a human then will it take same for other (loli form ) species to graduate or will take 12 years

Mister_Writer:Ah, well my age system is somewhat related to the 'growth' of species from one to another. Just like how humans have longer lives than dogs or cats, a similar logic can be applied here. Organs like brain and such develop slower for demi-humans, resulting to them maturing slower than the others. Of course, if they (demi-humans) are nurtured 'properly', some unusual specimen can and will develop 'faster' than the norm of their group, most likely on equal terms to a human or even surpass it.

and one more , for a 72 year old human at adept wizard , will it be considered talented like genius or normal

Mister_Writer:Ah, well my age system is somewhat related to the 'growth' of species from one to another. Just like how humans have longer lives than dogs or cats, a similar logic can be applied here. Organs like brain and such develop slower for demi-humans, resulting to them maturing slower than the others. Of course, if they (demi-humans) are nurtured 'properly', some unusual specimen can and will develop 'faster' than the norm of their group, most likely on equal terms to a human or even surpass it.

In the case of the world in Aludia, they have a different school system for different species due to that difference in maturity development. This is will be explained later in the story though.

Lucifer_Loop_:I get the gist of it but i still want to clear one thing. If it takes 4 years to graduate for a human then will it take same for other (loli form ) species to graduate or will take 12 years

Thanks for clearing my doubt because it was bugging me too hard for me to read ahead 🙂

Mister_Writer:Depends on their magic root but generally they could be categorized as normal.

Hi, I'm loving your book so much, but I'll like to know why you're making him hide his face behind a mask