
Review Detail of Shadowdracul in Constellation Door

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Synopsis is random, So here’s a SHORT Synopsis based on 30 chapters: TAG- “Mystery and Magical realism”. Separate Modern world, Semi-Hidden mystical societies, superpowers/western cultivation. MC seems to be lawful/neutral good with decent and cautious personality. (So far no BS faceslapping or unnecessary enemies) For people posting reviews about the the mention of galaxy in synopsis, There is nothing about that in the book so far. And this is a fiction book stop using science or common sense to judge it. Because technically this is happening in a completely different world with its own laws decided by the author. Long Synopsis with personal views: First of this is giving major Lord of mysteries vibes with the way of writing, Mystery and plot-line. It almost feels like the copy of LoTM. But we shall see. This seems to be a a separate modern world (No mention of known countries, Different timeline - 1700s but having guns and mobile) with common people and a hidden super world which is not that hidden (Lord of Mysteries vibes). So far the story revolves around our MC trying to solve the case of his Best friend dying in mysterious circumstances and how the death might be related to him. There’s not much happening in the first 30 chapters as the author is slowly showing the background and the plot, Unlike recent books which shows all of the background/cheat/power of mc in the first chapter. MC has confirmed existence of supernatural Power by chapter 20. And he might have gotten a little cheat (Not sure if it’s really a cheat, Because it feel similar gaining a common cultivation resources by a mortal who has no idea cultivation exists). MC seems to be cautious type, Thinks before acting but not the level that seems exaggerated. Also this book has 600 chapters but the translator are diving them in 2-4 chapters. (Don’t worry it won’t make a difference to coins because rather than getting 20 coins at once they get 6-6-8 coins, The only negative point is lower no of chapters.) Basically definitely worth a read for people who are tired of the usual trial read novel on WN. At the same time you can not judge much with just 30 chapters.

Constellation Door

Eagle Eats Chicks

Disukai oleh 35 orang




The RAW's one single Chapter is super long.. it is equivalent to 2-3 normal chapters of a novel.. So 600 chapters = 1200-1500 normal chapter i guess. Maybe more.. And Author is a Qidian Platinum Author i don't think it is any way is a Copy Of Lotm.. Author's All books are connected to eachother.. expect the First One that author wrote... I haven't read that so idk if that had any connection or not.. Well For me Author's Last 3books were amazing i finished them all in MTL.. Whoever looking to read it just go for it.. this has a completely new story..


Wait, I just checked, is it the same author as World's Best Martial Artist? WBMA was my favourite of 2020, I remember it had long chapters as well. At some point after I lost interest in LoTM, WBMA was the only novel I followed on daily basis. Sadly they dropped the official translations later because it didn't generate enough income, and I have never taken up the MTL because it took away a lot of the joy (MC's long speeches, conversations flow, jokes and so on were too good to read them at MTL in my honest opinion, I tried but just couldn't). And if I am wrong, then could you pinpoint me the other novels you mentioned, of the author of Constellation Door?

SujayPatra:The RAW's one single Chapter is super long.. it is equivalent to 2-3 normal chapters of a novel.. So 600 chapters = 1200-1500 normal chapter i guess. Maybe more.. And Author is a Qidian Platinum Author i don't think it is any way is a Copy Of Lotm.. Author's All books are connected to eachother.. expect the First One that author wrote... I haven't read that so idk if that had any connection or not.. Well For me Author's Last 3books were amazing i finished them all in MTL.. Whoever looking to read it just go for it.. this has a completely new story..

That said I didn't quite like the author's Myriad of Tribulations Clans, didn't seem very alike with WBMA and felt much worse, but maybe I could get into it somehow some day.

GrandpaPeng:Wait, I just checked, is it the same author as World's Best Martial Artist? WBMA was my favourite of 2020, I remember it had long chapters as well. At some point after I lost interest in LoTM, WBMA was the only novel I followed on daily basis. Sadly they dropped the official translations later because it didn't generate enough income, and I have never taken up the MTL because it took away a lot of the joy (MC's long speeches, conversations flow, jokes and so on were too good to read them at MTL in my honest opinion, I tried but just couldn't). And if I am wrong, then could you pinpoint me the other novels you mentioned, of the author of Constellation Door?

Well i liked those both books.. I didn't even knew they had any connection until i started reading this novel... I love the mystery and world background of Tribulation Of Myriad clans.. I like OP mc who can outplay his opponent so this novel is to my taste..

GrandpaPeng:That said I didn't quite like the author's Myriad of Tribulations Clans, didn't seem very alike with WBMA and felt much worse, but maybe I could get into it somehow some day.

Well i read both books on MTL.. so the names are different.. Author's Books are Star Gate, Tribulation of Myriad Clans, Global Gaowu(this one is the worlds best martial artist i guess)..

GrandpaPeng:Wait, I just checked, is it the same author as World's Best Martial Artist? WBMA was my favourite of 2020, I remember it had long chapters as well. At some point after I lost interest in LoTM, WBMA was the only novel I followed on daily basis. Sadly they dropped the official translations later because it didn't generate enough income, and I have never taken up the MTL because it took away a lot of the joy (MC's long speeches, conversations flow, jokes and so on were too good to read them at MTL in my honest opinion, I tried but just couldn't). And if I am wrong, then could you pinpoint me the other novels you mentioned, of the author of Constellation Door?

I’d actually suggest reading the Mtl on Novelhi it’s actually pretty good. This is coming from someone that hates mtl.

GrandpaPeng:Wait, I just checked, is it the same author as World's Best Martial Artist? WBMA was my favourite of 2020, I remember it had long chapters as well. At some point after I lost interest in LoTM, WBMA was the only novel I followed on daily basis. Sadly they dropped the official translations later because it didn't generate enough income, and I have never taken up the MTL because it took away a lot of the joy (MC's long speeches, conversations flow, jokes and so on were too good to read them at MTL in my honest opinion, I tried but just couldn't). And if I am wrong, then could you pinpoint me the other novels you mentioned, of the author of Constellation Door?