
Review Detail of OrIgIn in In Marvel with Insane Craft!

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Alright, I'm going to help you out with this. My biggest suggestion, if you want to really write this full time and get money from it, then SLOW DOWN THE STORY. Make the progression slow, as you have it now, every chapter we skip what could be multiple tens of chapters of story in between. Now, since you are using Minecraft: Insane Craft and the Marvel Movies, then create a narrative around the Lore in Minecraft and connect it some way with Marvel, or not, you can also keep them completely separate from each other. In all the chapters that you are 'skipping', there could be character development, relationships forming, interesting narrative qualities springing out and others. Now as it is now, this book will not go far, you are making the story go way to fast and there is no time for character development. If you slow down the story, think a little about which way you want to take the story, plan ahead, create an interesting line of cause and effect, then you have a good story that you can even earn a little bit of money from using Patreon. Also, the Godspeed suit is way to overpowered for the beginning of the story, unless the power levels later on are just absurd, then remove it. Same goes for the Infinity Stone. In conclusion, rewrite the whole story, drop this version, delete all the chapters or keep them, but just rethink how you want the story to go. The Infinity Stones could be Endgame Level items or they could be just beginning items, that while powerful, are nothing compared to the rest of the story. Just think about what you want to do with the story before you go on to start writing, that's how you hit writers block, like at the time of this posting. ~~~ Then we have the grammar, while I understand that you may be new to English, you could also take time to read over what you have written and fix the mistakes that you see. For the ones that you don't see, use a free website that could correct those mistakes like Google Docs, or Microsoft Word, or Grammarly.

In Marvel with Insane Craft!


Disukai oleh 1 orang




(CONTINUED) ~~~ For the ones that you don't see, use a free website that could correct those mistakes like Google Docs, or Microsoft Word, or Grammarly.


Thanks for the review lad! I would just like to clarify that I'm not making this story for money, I'm just doing it for fun. I always like to imagine if somebody has created a story with that idea. Oh yeah, the Grammar thing isn't me, I have a phone that auto corrects everything even though it was already grammatically correct. Sometimes I'd be smart enough to go back on the chapter and re-read everything I just wrote. I will fix the pacing issue, I'm just a lazy person. I hate when a novel just bombards the readers with boring facts for 3 chapters with no progress to the actual storyline. Anyways, thanks for the review.