
Review Detail of Daoist521805 in My Husband Changes Every Day

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Ok so I wrote a review last time thinking g that was the end and I thought that a k then the end sock balls in a bad, I tho that stet the last chapter there was more. Dear wr I stand with the same words as. Before. This can’ be the e d I mean dude for real your going to do this how is this possible that his aunt is behind all this we need a reason and who is this guy, that looks like him, it can’t be his father and if so why if so what is the reason. There are too many questions unanswered plus we all thought that he was going to bring his personalities to become one. So I’m really hopping this is not the end. If it is I stand by. Y last review this story is not complete and sucks balls in the worse way.

My Husband Changes Every Day

Webnovel Comics

Disukai oleh 4 orang




Wait that was his aunt at the end? I couldn’t tell because she always has her hair braided to one side, I really thought that was yimos half-siblings😱