
Review Detail of TheAmbrosius in Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

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INITIAL THOUGHTS: -As someone who has read over 2000 chapters of "Reaper of the Martial World" and also reading "Dimensional Descent" I am both biased towards seeing him in a good light and judging him harshly for what I don't like. With that being said I hope my review helps those who are on the fence about wanting to read this novel or not. WRITING QUALITY: 5/5 -Having 2 other books being written he has got the writing quality down. It's on the same level if not better some of my favorite long-standing authors like "Cocooned Cow-True Martial World" and "Jing Wu Hen-Ancient Godly Monarch". Anyone who has been in this space for at least a couple of years has seen the influx of new authors causing quality to become sporadic like a heart rate monitor. Be at ease with this novel. STABILITY OF UPDATES: 5/5 -Despite writing 3 books at once he has kept it consist which is what want we want most from our authors. This is assuming quality doesn't diminish which I stated before hasn't. STORY DEVELOPMENT: 5/5 -Epic would be the shart answer yet I know you guys want to know why? Well based on the synopsis you can see the MC is starting off at the pinnacle of the Cultivation world which begs the question if you cant go up does that mean you go down? In this case yes you do. The very bottom at that. -Now here's where it can be a make it or break it for some readers. The 1st volume which sets the stage for the story is 30 odd chapters which can in some people's eyes be too much. Also, he doesn't exactly begin cultivating at the start of the second novel which can lead to some more people dropping off. So I ask readers to stay for at least 60 chapters before writing this book off as "boring" or other such nonsense. Great works are not made without a foundation that can handle the immensity of the task at hand. -By the end of the second novel and the beginning of the third where I'm at you see the foundation is really fleshed out. Much mystery is still there of course however you have enough to chew on keeping you wanting to devour this masterpiece some more! -Overall If you want quality story development then give at least read up to 60-80 chapters. You won't regret it CHARACTER DESIGN: 5/5 -This is what I believe the author has gotten the handle of. I might not agree with his choices of character development, but that doesn't take away from the quality I read before my eyes. -The MC within the first volume starts off with many great qualities and some obvious flaws as well which leaves room for development. He has the best cultivation foundation one can ask for yet that is handicapped (temporarily) by one core aspect which would make it truly perfect. To compensate he delved into several side passions which is a pro. This however left his cultivation knowledge stunted which we see later on in volume 2. -The MC in the 2nd volume is becoming more aware of the flaws he has because of his overall circumstances. This leaves room for the MC to develop which is a plus. -The MC at the beginning of the 3fd novel is introduced to someone very important who for his own good ruthlessly shows him his glaring flaws and is someone who despite being born in the best clan actually in many ways is still immature and naive to the ways of the world. Who despite learning so much actually knows so little still. Hopefully, his coldness will be warmed to a degree by the recent edition of someone who shares a life with him now. It's been noted he was once warmer yet due to hardships he got colder and harder. Now if he could rediscover that warmth while keeping the cold that would be fantastic! -Other than the MC's his family is well developed and others close to him as well. After volume 1 we have yet to see many characters stay with the MC. Only one for now if any more at all will join considering his cold personality. WORLD BACKGROUND: 5/5 -Very detailed throughout so far without needlessly dumping info on you. This for many authors is a challenge. How much is too much info? How much does the situation call upon to explain the situation in clarity while leaving some mystery? This author has it down once again. OVERALL: 5/5 Read it or regret it. Let that sink in!!

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines


Disukai oleh 148 orang




It seems you either haven’t read this novel up to the latest chapters and/ or a novel that had dozens of women being added continuously. Otherwise you wouldn’t make a comment like this tainting my review with your garbage.

MatchaBoba:Thank god it ruins the romance when the MC gets 1000 wives

Oh i forgot to mention about the Romance/ Harem tag for those curious. 2 locked in yet not so straightforward. 1 maybe in the horizon. Don’t expect More then 5 if that because of the MCs personality.


much appreciated


I know when I see spoiler I’m Not gonna be dissapointed 😂👍🏿nice. Thank you.


Ofcourse! I dont like writing medicore reviews anymore so expect this if you see my name elsewhere below novels 👍

origin666:I know when I see spoiler I’m Not gonna be dissapointed 😂👍🏿nice. Thank you.



Does this novel have betrayals?? Please tell cause I'm not fond of it.


and did elena and mc alrdy reunite?


Betrayals? Mostly no. There is one however, its not so bad. Emotional yes because of the circumstances at the time but not unbearable so your okay

damnb_Ass:Does this novel have betrayals?? Please tell cause I'm not fond of it.

No. Its likely not going to happen for a long time. MC needs to reach either the upper echelons of power or a unique event happens which is unlikely. Hope that helps!

damnb_Ass:and did elena and mc alrdy reunite?

what reaper of the martial world??? he have another novel??


His first novel. Idk why its not on Webnovel anymore but it was 2000+ chapters long. Hmm very weird

AADucxter_42069:what reaper of the martial world??? he have another novel??

I'll give the novel a try based off your review. I'm fine with slow starts and building a foundation as long as it's still interesting enough. I'll report back later how it goes.


A word of warning after reading ahead. Yes this is a Harem and Romance novel however, dont expect anything to really happen early on. Keep this in mind so your expectations dont ruin the story progression. Otherwise enjoy the novel!

LtBeefy:I'll give the novel a try based off your review. I'm fine with slow starts and building a foundation as long as it's still interesting enough. I'll report back later how it goes.

just hit chapter 59. book has been added to my list. Had no problem with the start at all. but do appreciate your review and breaking things down. something I'm horrible at haha. and have no problem with harem or no harem. while I generally do like a love interest of some sort never require. my only thing of harem is does it fit. does the harem fit the MC attitude. if so that's fine. like with this MC I can see so far two in his harem.

TheAmbrosius:A word of warning after reading ahead. Yes this is a Harem and Romance novel however, dont expect anything to really happen early on. Keep this in mind so your expectations dont ruin the story progression. Otherwise enjoy the novel!

Harem in the inital stages of this novel is not going to happen which begs the question how will it happen later? Because the MC has a warm open personality in the beginning but because of his cultivation situation he develped a cold wall between himself and the world. Which includes potential love interests. So in my opinion as long as the MC is given time he’ll eventually open up again

LtBeefy:just hit chapter 59. book has been added to my list. Had no problem with the start at all. but do appreciate your review and breaking things down. something I'm horrible at haha. and have no problem with harem or no harem. while I generally do like a love interest of some sort never require. my only thing of harem is does it fit. does the harem fit the MC attitude. if so that's fine. like with this MC I can see so far two in his harem.

how many does it take to consider it a harem novel? he has his wife and guard. wife is confirmed, and guard, we'll his wife might be teasing but it's set up to be the 2nd. that makes two. is that not then a harem novel? Or is just 2 considered too few to be harem? Personally I consider 2 or more harem.

TheAmbrosius:Harem in the inital stages of this novel is not going to happen which begs the question how will it happen later? Because the MC has a warm open personality in the beginning but because of his cultivation situation he develped a cold wall between himself and the world. Which includes potential love interests. So in my opinion as long as the MC is given time he’ll eventually open up again

Well theres 2 questions really. What is a Harem? What makes a novel a Harem? These are my opinions. A Harem is a group of women who decide to be in a relationship with the same man. Most if not all the time they are exlusive with the Man knowing he is not exclusive with any one of them. Harem novel is when at least 2 women and the MC agree to having a relationship in one form or another for example Wife, concubine, maid, etc. I say this cause many novels have love interest that aren’t mutual in feeings leading to them not actually sealing the deal be it physically and or verbally so i dont consider them Harem.. idk if you’ve read Legend of Futian or not but that novel has a Harem tag yet he only actually seals the deal with one women despite the many love interests available. That should be one of the few exceptions to the rule. Hope this helps!

LtBeefy:how many does it take to consider it a harem novel? he has his wife and guard. wife is confirmed, and guard, we'll his wife might be teasing but it's set up to be the 2nd. that makes two. is that not then a harem novel? Or is just 2 considered too few to be harem? Personally I consider 2 or more harem.

you mentioning legend of futian made me feel very nostalgic. Too bad I stop reading somewhere around +1000 chapters

TheAmbrosius:Well theres 2 questions really. What is a Harem? What makes a novel a Harem? These are my opinions. A Harem is a group of women who decide to be in a relationship with the same man. Most if not all the time they are exlusive with the Man knowing he is not exclusive with any one of them. Harem novel is when at least 2 women and the MC agree to having a relationship in one form or another for example Wife, concubine, maid, etc. I say this cause many novels have love interest that aren’t mutual in feeings leading to them not actually sealing the deal be it physically and or verbally so i dont consider them Harem.. idk if you’ve read Legend of Futian or not but that novel has a Harem tag yet he only actually seals the deal with one women despite the many love interests available. That should be one of the few exceptions to the rule. Hope this helps!

Putting aside the romance aspect what made you stop reading it?

Book_Hunter0318:you mentioning legend of futian made me feel very nostalgic. Too bad I stop reading somewhere around +1000 chapters

it was long time ago when I started getting hook up with novels. Legend of Futian was one of the first novels I read when I started using webnovel. I think I dropped the novel because I was tired of the expectation on where the story was going. I was also kinda tired of the type of face-slapping moments the story portrayed and as someone who just develop a hobby for novels I wanted to discover new novels. But the main reason (probably) I dropped the novel was because of the death of a certain someone in the novel. After reading novels, I've learned that I'm not a fan of the tragic aspect of some novels so I was uneasy on what to expect on the mc's character development after the death of... whoops Spoilers :P

TheAmbrosius:Putting aside the romance aspect what made you stop reading it?