
Review Detail of FNU_LNU in Zombie Apocalypse: Infinite Fusion

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This is translation review, not novel review. If you are not familiar with it, webnovel has started westernizing most of the novels in 2021. This is awful practice that kills original novel. At best you get only names, places and organizations westernized and at worst you get half novel gutted and other half totally rewritten by translator. With best case scenario you get only names, places and organizations westernized which introduces plotholes cause while names are westernized, actual writing and character culture arent. You get chinese way of thinking, chinese places and organizations translated into most famous western (USA) alternatives and as a result you see absurdity. And with the worth case scenario, you are not actually reading original authors work, but some "translators" plagiarization cause half novel is removed (sometimes critical explanations) and other half is badly rewritten. And cause this requires so much work compared to normal translation, either webnovel is stealing original authors work and rewriting it (cause most of those novels dont come from qidian) or they are just using translators that dont know chinese so they are rewriting story with help of MTL (seen too many edited MTL translations lately on webnovel). overall any westernized novel deserves automatic 1 star review.

Zombie Apocalypse: Infinite Fusion

Panda is a Cat

Disukai oleh 13 orang




I mean does it matter if they are plagiarizing? There is a literal copy of 48 hours a day, same name and everything, written by another Chinese author. Quite honestly, chinese authors don’t have the right to complain about their books being copied cuz most of them do the same thing.


well yes, it matters. webnovel is bringing bad practice of copying another authors work under their "translation". and they do pretty bad job at that. imagine having a novel that has normal storyline, with explanation and logic of world, characters and their actions. rewrites on this site try to copy storyline with slightly changed events and remove explanations and logic. now i want pure translation of original authors work, so even if original author is copying some other novel, i want to trash that author cause of that and not cause webnovel is doing rewrite of original authors novel.

SpoiledSecrets:I mean does it matter if they are plagiarizing? There is a literal copy of 48 hours a day, same name and everything, written by another Chinese author. Quite honestly, chinese authors don’t have the right to complain about their books being copied cuz most of them do the same thing.

If you want to read the original, you can ask for read. Tbh, I don’t think it matters if webnovel copied a copy


The OP who complained about westernisation of the novels and how its only partially done needs to consider that's it really hard to rewrite the whole book and change the culture and mannerisms of characters to march wester society when it's nothing like Eastern. Therefore potholes would be even bigger as characters would change dramatically from the original and so would the story so the best thing to do would be change name and places and try be consistent. I can see places where wrong pronouns are used characters names are accidently written in the wrong place or changed. just use your brain and it will make sense


The point the OP was making was that chinese novels SHOULD NOT be westernized at all. They're CHINESE novels. Aside from translating the words, the names should all be as they are in Chinese.

CasperValentine:The OP who complained about westernisation of the novels and how its only partially done needs to consider that's it really hard to rewrite the whole book and change the culture and mannerisms of characters to march wester society when it's nothing like Eastern. Therefore potholes would be even bigger as characters would change dramatically from the original and so would the story so the best thing to do would be change name and places and try be consistent. I can see places where wrong pronouns are used characters names are accidently written in the wrong place or changed. just use your brain and it will make sense