
Review Detail of Relhak in My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

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Do you like yanderes? Do you also like the unconditional crazy passionate love that they offer? Do you often wonder what you would do if you suddenly wake up and find yourself married to, not one, not two, but three sexy women? Well, here are 3 beautiful and dangerous yanderes for you to read about. I usually don't give reviews for stories with less than 50 chapters, but for this one, it's an exception. My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires (M3WBV) follows an MC who wakes up after turning into a vampire, and finds out the during the process he is now married to a beautiful vampire, named Violet Snow. So far, there isn't much plot development, except the MC discovering more about the supernatural world that he now has become a part of, and that he also has 2 more wives due to an accident during the vampire conversion process. I foresee great potential with this story, and I hope that the author can deliver. In the first 25 chapters you'll experience sweet romantic moments, intrigue, mystery, and some unique characters. And it's definitely the unique characters and their portrayals that have had me hooked with this story. From the almost-bipolar yandere wife, to the stoic maid, and the MCs over-enthusiastic family - all of their interaction are fun to read, and generally enjoyable. TL;DR: Give this novel a try if you would like read about a good guy, who suddenly finds himself thrust into a marriage between 3 yandere vampires, and want to follow their developments.

My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.


Disukai oleh 42 orang




I don't like Yanderes so I guess this is not for me. I don't understand the appeal they have


Thanks so much for review, umu.


I don't know much what to say, for me just the fact that you recommend and like it is enough. I know the novel is not perfect, I just try to improve as a new author. But, thanks so much for review. umu


you bought me on the first line


Author I must know Will he have more than three wives Please lemme know

Victor_Weismann:I don't know much what to say, for me just the fact that you recommend and like it is enough. I know the novel is not perfect, I just try to improve as a new author. But, thanks so much for review. umu