
Review Detail of EmptyTaoist in Master Of Myths

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I read 202 chapter and was interested in the story in the story until mc lost his all good points, after being possessed by some sin mc become arrogant, careless, does not give his all, in fight he explain his abilitys to the enemy like a trash cultivator mc, I wasted hours on this novel to find out that mc after 160+ chapter become trash, the most frustrating thing was how I didn't know who I read about, was the mc thinking this or was he mind bended, or was this the sins thought? It was super confusing,. I would recommend the first 150 chapter, after that good luck. It became more frustrating to read after each chapter how mc became more and more......... useless, ye useless compared his previous self.

Master Of Myths


Disukai oleh 2 orang






I understand the frustration, I intended it to be so, after all he is possessed by pride, a temporary demerit but annoying nonetheless, thank you for reading all those chapters however!


Although the story was interesting I don't understand why did you take away the mc most redeeming quality's, the slavery and other moraly questionable things mc did was only acceptable to me because mc did everything to achieve his goals. If you ever write another novel try to avoid writing frustrating things without explanations or end in sight, or give your readers few reason to stay. If you run out of ideas it's better to go Hiatus for few weeks or months then trying to write write without inspiration. In the latter chapters it felt like you have no thoughts or ideas what direction should the story develop. I hope your next story or story writing will improve. If you don't have unique ideas you can always borrow some commonly used, if something is common it's not necessarily bad.