
Review Detail of Yumbrella in Alteria

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Sorry if my review is a bit long ^_^. I found this novel extremely addicting and I literally read from the beginning till present-day release within just 1 day. It's really well made and it is actually really hard to find anything bad about it. Now the writing quality of this novel is actually quite excellent since I didn't really find any mistakes grammatically(perhaps I was too engrossed reading it to find mistakes?). But the reason why I gave four stars is mainly due to my own personal discomfort in reading some Filipino terms (I wish I learned Filipino so that I could enjoy this novel more...). it was really hard to understand some of the lines since they had Filipino terms? I had to search the internet a few times during this novel to find meanings and to be honest it just downright killed my reading flow... Now as I have mentioned before I just binge-read the entire novel so I don't have any right to talk about releases... now story development as far as I'm concerned is really really good. I mean the beginning of the novel was quite emotional and it made me feel quite attracted to this novel. Now after transferring into the new world, during the slime scene, I felt this novel would just be the same as any other cliche transfer into another world novel. BUT that didn't happen at all, and actually right from "system type" to the plot, Everything felt unique at the same time a little bit familiar to me as well. I can really feel the emotions playing a lot of role in the plot and I see some romances budding here and there :). Even the romance isn't the annoying type and I hope it stays that way in the future... Now the characters are absolutely wonderful. Each and every one of the characters seem to have their own behavior and identity. They are like colors in an artist's palette. Each distinct yet complementing the others. Some of them are relatable, some of them make you feel respect, and for some others, disgust. I hope the character development remains the same throughout the novel in the future since I don't think it can get better anymore since I feel it is the apex of character designs. Now in terms of world background, There is some cringe stuff like MC getting transferred into a world where people speak her language and eat the same food as well as have the same culture of her previous world. And usage of Filipino terms in describing royalty and positions has confused the daylights out of me. But as a whole, I would say that the world is pretty well defined and I believe it's too early to say the world is badly described when the novel is just 140 chapters as of now? I believe it's going to be a hell lot better later... Okay, so what I want to stress is that this novel is a must-read. It is really well made and the emotions of the characters are actually able to induce emotion in the readers( I feel this is a rare incident). The innocence, naiveness, as well as confusion of a girl thrown into another world, is depicted really really well here. Author-san, I thank you for creating such beautiful work and I really loved reading this right from the beginning till the end. I pray for a mass release and NEVER EVER DROP IT PLZ XD



Disukai oleh 1 orang




Thank you very much for the very kind message and review. I will say this now, you definitely missed the mistakes like error in writing cause you're bingeing but that's all right! I'm in the process of slowly correcting them while also making chapters so I hope you and the others enjoy it more! I'm not confident with my speed in writing, but I promise you I will not drop it! I will finish Lyrica's story no matter what! So look forward for the future chapters! PS: Sorry for the Filipino terms I used, I thought it'd be nice to use some elements from my home country to the story and so I did. Rest assured that in future, when I include Filipino terms, I will also add their literal translations!


Author-san You are already stellar, I'm cheering for you!

OwariDa02:Thank you very much for the very kind message and review. I will say this now, you definitely missed the mistakes like error in writing cause you're bingeing but that's all right! I'm in the process of slowly correcting them while also making chapters so I hope you and the others enjoy it more! I'm not confident with my speed in writing, but I promise you I will not drop it! I will finish Lyrica's story no matter what! So look forward for the future chapters! PS: Sorry for the Filipino terms I used, I thought it'd be nice to use some elements from my home country to the story and so I did. Rest assured that in future, when I include Filipino terms, I will also add their literal translations!