
Review Detail of Wolfick in Into the Magic World

Ulasan detail


1 star review for ignoring forum rules and spamming self promotions. We understand you want more readers, but people spamming on the forums harms the experience of all users. There are two pinned monthly threads you can use, one for self promotions, the other review swaps if that is what you are looking for. There is an entire internet out there you can use to search for places to recommend your book, and you will likely have better returns from doing so. Do abide by any local rules though

Into the Magic World


Liked it!




sorry. I thought since they were asking for recommendation, I could recommend my book. And you are right it's not that rewarding.


If it's just one or two new ones, it's pretty grey, but they are usually "give me recs, btw *insert shameless plug" and it's pretty clear asking for recs is just an excuse and they shouldn't be doing that. one of the ones you posted to was a year old (they are almost certainly not looking for it any longer). Of two more, one was asking for romance, the other was asking for no romance, so it couldn't fit both of them. Basically, if someone asks for SciFi soap opera, and then you go "hey, I have a SciFi soap opera, maybe it is to your taste!" not just generic copy and paste into anything that may tick one box.

SageJr:sorry. I thought since they were asking for recommendation, I could recommend my book. And you are right it's not that rewarding.

Yeah, A mistake. I deleted all threads. I am writing for first time and was anxious as there are not enough views. Do you have any advice that would be great.

Wolfick:If it's just one or two new ones, it's pretty grey, but they are usually "give me recs, btw *insert shameless plug" and it's pretty clear asking for recs is just an excuse and they shouldn't be doing that. one of the ones you posted to was a year old (they are almost certainly not looking for it any longer). Of two more, one was asking for romance, the other was asking for no romance, so it couldn't fit both of them. Basically, if someone asks for SciFi soap opera, and then you go "hey, I have a SciFi soap opera, maybe it is to your taste!" not just generic copy and paste into anything that may tick one box.

As for writing... It can be harsh words, but it should help. 1. Write for the result, not the return. A lot of people have dreams of grandeur, which is great and all, but it is essentially a gamble. Don't write expecting fame or fortune, as the odds are highly stacked against you and not meeting your expectations will kill your motivation. 2. It doesn't matter how many people see or don't see your work. More readers can be dopamine in the brain, but it shouldn't be the reason to write. 3. Keep writing. The longer you write for, the better you will get. Strive to improve your storytelling and literature skills. 4. Criticism. This is the hardest to hear and the greatest learning curve. You will receive criticism, no matter how good or bad your work is. By writing, you open yourself up into this vulnerable position where someone merely calling your work rubbish can hit close to home. You need to learn to not let this affect you. I would say look away from reviews/comments if it is too much, but that is easier said than done. 5. No matter how good your work is, there will be people who will still hate it. No matter how bad it is, there will be people will still love it. Therefore, just focus on writing.

SageJr:Yeah, A mistake. I deleted all threads. I am writing for first time and was anxious as there are not enough views. Do you have any advice that would be great.

Also, write in your own style. People see xianxia and say "I want to write this" and write a story trying to imitate that. This has cultural factors involves and trying to do so is like trying to sing a song in the same voice as the singer. Write a story that you can truly call your own. Cultivators for example. It's perfectly fine to have them, but you don't want to write a classic xianxia story. Write something that is more "you" instead.

SageJr:Yeah, A mistake. I deleted all threads. I am writing for first time and was anxious as there are not enough views. Do you have any advice that would be great.