
Review Detail of Shinesan in I Can Create Perfect Accidents.

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Sigh, so much potential wasted 😫 First, when he leave the prison all he can think about is REVENGE REVENGE, and when he get his OP cheat, all he can think is to kill Niel BUT are you stupid MC ans Author ? This guy cry so much for his Girlfriend and love her so much that he didnt even bother FIRST search how to cure his girlfriend. WOW, even if there are no cure, Bro you just search how to kill your enemy. Seriously, what is your priority ??? Find a way to first Cure your girlfriend or Find a way to first kill your Enemy ??? We can see here that he has a huge hole in the brain the author and MC Second. With his powerful Cheat why didnt search how to gather wealth, money, make himself so rich with his SUPER OP Cheat and transform the world at will that nobody dare to offend him ?????? No, he go learn boxing and participe in Underground Boxing Competition and think all day how to create « Perfect Accident » AHHHHH I’m so mad!!!!😡😡😡 The Mc is just so stupid, And the Author really ruin this super potential novel 😫😫😫😫

I Can Create Perfect Accidents.

Comfortably Trippy

Disukai oleh 118 orang




As I said, even if he did search a way to wake his girlfriend up, Why didnt he search just after gaining his ability ? Instead thinking about revenge.

ungrateful_potato:read ch 15 for your answers

He can even try to search how to control those that are in power and more powerful than the his Enemy or just make close friend or even control the Governement, but no, the MC is too stupid to think like that, or the Author didnt want his novel to end too fast. 😫


Well, for the moment, there are too few chapter, maybe he’ll do that, but I strongly doutb that

Shinesan:He can even try to search how to control those that are in power and more powerful than the his Enemy or just make close friend or even control the Governement, but no, the MC is too stupid to think like that, or the Author didnt want his novel to end too fast. 😫

read ch 15 for your answers


Yes. That is what I want to ask. If you love someone. Well forgot love, if someone saves my life and is in coma. And I got some superpower first thing i will think about is how to get free PS 6. And after playing many games for 14 chapters I will think about that guy who saved me and how to save him. Well sounds reasonable. Right! Not blaming you my friend but it frustrates me seeing good concept ruined like this. It hurts

ungrateful_potato:read ch 15 for your answers

Are you a fool being in that situation how can you rationally react how can you withstand the temptations all you negative commenter have so shall and unconvincing reasons besides the book just started does it claim to romance or rational this is dark and urban you fools. My iq will drop if I keep reading these comments


bro, they are just rash people, and they couldn't immerse with the mc because he didn't have a proper background prologue for the events before he got in prison 😂 Observers and passerbys will definitely judge things as they see because most of the time, to see is to believe

Mystic_LordAthens:Are you a fool being in that situation how can you rationally react how can you withstand the temptations all you negative commenter have so shall and unconvincing reasons besides the book just started does it claim to romance or rational this is dark and urban you fools. My iq will drop if I keep reading these comments

Spoiler... all the things you said in this review happened. I dont know what ur complaining about. also the search engine can search anything. how to kill how to save how to get rich but he needs to follow the instructions down to the millisecond or else it will be a complete different outcome...


could have typed "how to become a nigh omnipotent god with no strings attached by doing a very simple non extremely specific action within the next minute without the process taking up more than ten seconds" would that be hard or "how to suddenly and permanently gain the ability to create any ability I so desire with no negative strings attached with the process only requiring one, simple non extremely specific action that is humanly possible and not time consuming"

Chunchunmaru_sama:Spoiler... all the things you said in this review happened. I dont know what ur complaining about. also the search engine can search anything. how to kill how to save how to get rich but he needs to follow the instructions down to the millisecond or else it will be a complete different outcome...

I'm guessing you haven't read this yet.. cause that's not how it works...

MyriadChanges303:could have typed "how to become a nigh omnipotent god with no strings attached by doing a very simple non extremely specific action within the next minute without the process taking up more than ten seconds" would that be hard or "how to suddenly and permanently gain the ability to create any ability I so desire with no negative strings attached with the process only requiring one, simple non extremely specific action that is humanly possible and not time consuming"

I've read it. he types in how to do something and it gives instructions. for things that are hard for him the instructions are long and difficult that's why he should have typed in for instructions that aren't long and difficult which we both know he has never done

Chunchunmaru_sama:I'm guessing you haven't read this yet.. cause that's not how it works...

you have a point... but the shorter ones might not be achievable... for example he searches how to kill a man as quickly as possible.. now, he might have a method but it's impossible for him to complete.. because the method might not be for him. unless he types "how do I kill" rather than how to kill... if he typed how do I kill, thats probably what he did in the story anyways I'm not sure at this point cause I've read this months ago. my memory is kinda blurry.

MyriadChanges303:I've read it. he types in how to do something and it gives instructions. for things that are hard for him the instructions are long and difficult that's why he should have typed in for instructions that aren't long and difficult which we both know he has never done

yeah let's just call truce and admit this guy wasted his power

Chunchunmaru_sama:you have a point... but the shorter ones might not be achievable... for example he searches how to kill a man as quickly as possible.. now, he might have a method but it's impossible for him to complete.. because the method might not be for him. unless he types "how do I kill" rather than how to kill... if he typed how do I kill, thats probably what he did in the story anyways I'm not sure at this point cause I've read this months ago. my memory is kinda blurry.

Now it's completed. Although I like how he created perfect accidents, I am kind of disappointed because he didn't think beyond his capability. He can earn money easily with the cheat. He can cure his girlfriend with the cheat but why END it just like that?


what is there at ch 15?

ungrateful_potato:read ch 15 for your answers


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Agreed, mc didn't even use the ability with great potential, he could have secured everyone closer to him and gone underground/secured before revealing his plan sot that the enemy's in the shadow doesn't make use of them but he is just just focus on timely revenge and didn't take bigger picture in consideration. it's disappointing that enemy keep using his closer ones to plot against him repeatedly and at that time he always felt powerless and helpless despite having such cheat ability that can plan ahead of others. Book potential is ruined and yet another trash/dissapointing mc.




Bit heavy on the emojis but I agree.


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