
Review Detail of Error_4 in I Just Won't Play By The Book

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I already know the mc is going to be a dense/beta mc just by seeing the answer he chose, yep..just like typical JP mc. The first sentence in synopsis attracted me, but the last sentence of mc extinguished my interest on this novel.

I Just Won't Play By The Book

7 Percent

Disukai oleh 172 orang




reviewing the novel when they havent even read it yet while also being extremely combative with other reader and reviewers


Bro, can’t you just read the novel ? He isn’t dense at all nor beta. Did you not read in other wuxia novel, Beautiful girl always bring trouble ?? Here the MC doesn’t want this f*cking shit with always Young Master wanting to take his life just because some beautiful girl show just a little bit interest in him. He’s aware that with this Choice Based System, the rare/better reward always correspond to equivalent risk in getting the said reward. Like for exemple, The beautiful request Help from the MC, there are 2 choice [Help her](You get a Legndary Weapon) or [Decline](You get a random attribute point) Based on the reward, he know that chosing to help will bring trouble everywhere by some Young Master who will try to assassinate him etc... so he’ll chose to decline her because he’s doesn’t want to toy with his life ( because just after he got his system, he chose to accept a choice to get the beeter reward but he almost died in consequence), In Short, This Mc is a Cliché Destroyer, not some typical Beta Mc. He know that the girls love him but he reject her because like I said, some Young Master will try to kill him. So stop speaking nonsense.


you did not even read it yet you criticize it one sidedly, not knowing its contents. you failed as a reader


Not all people are suicidal, why risk dying for some item? You're not exactly wrong but he is by no means dense and an idiot, he knows what he is doing and he understands other people. He just choses to not risk his life to gain something no matter how great it is.

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nay, he wouldn't reject a girl thinking some young master will kill him.. he would reject a girl cuz system would give smallest reward for rejecting.. if the system were to give smallest reward for accepting he'd totally be accepting her.. indirectly he's being a slave to the system

Shinesan:Bro, can’t you just read the novel ? He isn’t dense at all nor beta. Did you not read in other wuxia novel, Beautiful girl always bring trouble ?? Here the MC doesn’t want this f*cking shit with always Young Master wanting to take his life just because some beautiful girl show just a little bit interest in him. He’s aware that with this Choice Based System, the rare/better reward always correspond to equivalent risk in getting the said reward. Like for exemple, The beautiful request Help from the MC, there are 2 choice [Help her](You get a Legndary Weapon) or [Decline](You get a random attribute point) Based on the reward, he know that chosing to help will bring trouble everywhere by some Young Master who will try to assassinate him etc... so he’ll chose to decline her because he’s doesn’t want to toy with his life ( because just after he got his system, he chose to accept a choice to get the beeter reward but he almost died in consequence), In Short, This Mc is a Cliché Destroyer, not some typical Beta Mc. He know that the girls love him but he reject her because like I said, some Young Master will try to kill him. So stop speaking nonsense.

read your first review does it base on the actual novel or synopsis alone??


well he is in control.. but it gets terribly hard for him if he selects other choices.. so he always ends up selecting the easiest n safest choice

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Lol stop talking nonsense, personally I prefer those type of MC where he’s cautious than a hot-blooded, stupid, brainless and idiot MC who act with impulses. You, I bet you love those novel with repetitive Face-slapping and Invincible, Overpowered MC that doesn’t care about his life at all. When I started reading novel, It was pretty fun and all those Hot-blooded MC, BUT the more I read the more I cringe and shake my head at those brainless idiot( of course they are smart one ) sometimes but are rare) so I find those novel like this a breath of air where the MC USE is F*cking brain and CARE about his LIFE. Can you just shut the f*ck up ? You havent even read the novel and you just critic those that love this type of novel and just charactherizes thise people with « Weak hearted people ». See, You are just an idiot. Stupid And bro, I dont even have a ALT lol. you are too stupid, and do you think that you’re smart ?

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Its just a matter of preference. Now, I love Cautious and Intelligent MC who use his brain. You, on the other hand love Hot-Blooded, Risk-taker MC. I respect your preference but to place a label « Weak hearted » people on people like me who love those type of novel. You arr just stupid when you EVEN diDnt read this novel and you just critc like that . You are very stupid

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you failed as a reader if you don't even know how precious this novel is..😛😛😛😛

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Sorryyyyyyyy it was my fault that I thought that you was speaking of me when you was telling that @slaveof was using an ALT. I’ m very very very sorryy But... By the way... You clearly lack of argument now. I face-slapped you with fact and you began to stutter huh ? . You insult the reader of this novel of « weak hearted people » and now, you change the conversation, not knowing what to say huh?

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I feel that you will re-began to throw bunch of brainless argument with me now that you realize that you are a very stupid and idiot reader that does not even read this novel but openly mock and insult the people that read this book and even critic this novel while you just read the synopsis. Do you not know the saying « Do not judge a book by its cover »? *Clap* *Clap**Clap* You are indeed a FAILED reader Oh no ! I feel like I lost some braincell talking with you now I realize

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And seriously ? You treat this MC of coward huh ? That’s why you are a stupid idiot and that you should read the novel before giving your opinion. In a chapter. When the MC tell his past, he was forced to take a choice other than the « random attribute point »because in all the cases. he pretty much offended a Young Master, no 3 Young Masters. And yes, thats exactly because of the beautitful female that you see in the synopsis. She indeed confessed that she love the MC, BUT it was right in front of these f*cking Young Masters, One was a son of governemental officer, One was a son of a Hero, and One was a son of a Rich Family. ITS BECAUSE OF THAT THAT HE REJECTED HER, She f*cking confessed her love right in front of those Young Masters. If he chose to say Yes. those 3 Young Masterd will surely bring all their family togther to bury the MC(Not exactly this but all sort of dirty tzctic like assassination etc...) So he chose to say NO. But those B*stard still hated him to the core. The son of the Hero challenged him, and you know what ? He accepted and still wOn ( at this moment the Mc was much much weaker than this son lf Hero, he won because lf tactic like poison, depleting his endurance etc... he was not dead, the MC cured him after and this Son of hero approved him bc he has lost) So he’s by no means a « coward »like you said. He can fight like all normal people but if he chose to always choose the best reward he’s basically toyin with his life because there a incalculable amount of death flag . And even In the choice where the MC was forced to receive the hated of those Young Master while he reject her. He almost died of poison bc the Son of governement officer poisoned him while This same Young Master was acting in front of MC like a virgin and that he wanted to know if the MC really do not love the beautiful female. when the MC tell and re-tell that he doesnt love her, he was acting that he was believing the MC and even requested what trick the MC have to pursue a girl. naturally the MC tell all his trick. And the Young master acted Timid and all. But So what ??? He stIll end up poisoning the MC and almost killed him. You can imagine how the situation will be if he chose to accept the better reward and say yes to the female disciple. Practically, there are death flag everywhere. So he chose not always bet with his life bc of thise dangerous situation. And still he met those Cliché Trope often. Do you think that you can always handle them and always relie on Luck and the f*cking plot armor ??? NO, the mc will not take the f*cking risk !! So he’s not a coward at all, he´s cautious and use his brain, and sometime if the situation goes out of control like the previous situation he will face them and fight because he doesnt want to die That’s why you should read the novel before you critic this novel and the MC You biggots

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You Srly misunderstOod, I wanted to express that the reason why he choose to reject the female disciple was because BASED on the reward, he know that the better the reward, the greater the risk and vice versa the « worse » the reward the less the risk So if the « worse »reward was to accept her love he will surely take that choice bc he know that the system will not lie . And bro , He ISNT a SLAVE to the system AT ALL. Why ? because he can choose what choice he can make or even choose not to choose a choice from the system and just do his own way. did you see a punisshement for not choosing a choice from the reward or what ???? Dont talk nonsense when you said that he’s a slave to the system. He always choose the « worse »reward because he doesnt want to risk his life for better reward Do you read that ? ITS HIS CHOICE TO CHOOSE WICH CHOICE HE WILL PICK AND NOT THE SYSTEM CHOICE. He’s free to do what he want Okay ?

shv_luffy98:nay, he wouldn't reject a girl thinking some young master will kill him.. he would reject a girl cuz system would give smallest reward for rejecting.. if the system were to give smallest reward for accepting he'd totally be accepting her.. indirectly he's being a slave to the system

I re read your comment and lets clarify the things. If the System tell that the smallest reward was to accepting the confession from the female disciple. What its means ?? It means that this is the less to zero risk involved Choice. He isnt indirectly a slave AT ALL, The system is giving hint to wich choice will be the the less risk to to high risk situation Do you understand now ? He isnt a slave Okay ?

shv_luffy98:nay, he wouldn't reject a girl thinking some young master will kill him.. he would reject a girl cuz system would give smallest reward for rejecting.. if the system were to give smallest reward for accepting he'd totally be accepting her.. indirectly he's being a slave to the system

Well first you tell the other guy not to assume but now you’re just aasuming that they’re on their alt. I’m not saying they’re not, I’m just saying what if. Sigh, why can’t we all just agree that we all have our opinions and have different taste in novels and be done with that. You may not like this kind of novel and that’s fine, no need to mock others that do.

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Woahh Seiya is actually a Beta MC.

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Ryuuguuin Seiya(Cautious Hero)

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you wouldn't have replied if you didn't need my acknowledgement lol😂😂😂😂😂

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you still need my acknowledgement fine fine I approve of you even if you are pain in the neck lmao😂😂😂😂😂😂


no no that's just for you ..I am just having some laugh by seeing you triggered so easily ..let me recommended you a novel from this genius😂😂[this young master isnot cannon fodder] it's really good maybe then you will know how precious this type of novel is...

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