
Review Detail of Connor_Shipes in Outdoor Webcast

Ulasan detail


Just gonna say that I have absolutely loved this so far. I'm extremely sad that it will probably that it will take a while for new chapters to come out though.

Outdoor Webcast

Night-Blooming Flower Falls

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While this novel is quite good, it has some nationalism content. To be more specific, it's about Li ziqi's video in which she made kimchi, a Korean national dish but claimed it's from China. The relationship between China and other Asian countries has been tense recently because China claim that others culture is theirs. Anyway, the author support the notion that Kimchi is from China so for me even if the novel is entertaining, it's a nope


It's just a book to read casually, so I'm not gonna get worked up about anything controversial or political. Besides, it's just FOOD.

eziovi:While this novel is quite good, it has some nationalism content. To be more specific, it's about Li ziqi's video in which she made kimchi, a Korean national dish but claimed it's from China. The relationship between China and other Asian countries has been tense recently because China claim that others culture is theirs. Anyway, the author support the notion that Kimchi is from China so for me even if the novel is entertaining, it's a nope

Maybe you're not from Asia so you don't understand that it's China's method to steal other cultures. For example, kimchi and hanbok from Korea, ao dai from Vietnam and many more. I agree that kimchi is just a food but it's a national dish and how would you feel when one day China suddenly claim that pizza originated from them? What upsetting is that for people not from Asia, they wouldn't know that those culture is not China's. If there's only one novel writing that kimchi is from China, it wouldn't make a big impact but the problem is that there are thousands of Chinese novel filled with not only this notion but also racism, nationalism and so on. The fact that qidian even has an anti-Japan genre show how racist Chinese are.

Connor_Shipes:It's just a book to read casually, so I'm not gonna get worked up about anything controversial or political. Besides, it's just FOOD.