
Review Detail of Eternal_Ouroboros in Avatar The Last Airbender: Cold Paths

Ulasan detail


Right off the bat, the quality is, in my opinion, strikingly good. At least certainly so for the standards of this site. I've no problems understanding what I read and the chapters have a good enough fluidity that I'm pulled in wanting more. Good quality! As far as the stability of updates go, I've never cared for them, but it's also a strong point I want to highlight. The author has updated daily and stuck to that statement with the exception of a short period when their focus was on another novel. So a great stability no doubt. [MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD |:| READ AT YOUR OWN RISK] The story development is amazing, we see the main character become a master of not only his element but also of himself as a person. He seemingly breaks away from the norm and even goes as far as making his own style and innovating techniques. Hell, the guy can fly using his advanced understanding of his element. The story develops very well, the flow of events is logical and gets you hooked enough to keep reading till the end. Das de gud shiz The character design is amazing, the main character doesn't just feel like he's a construct of fiction. He's detailed enough to be understood and normal enough to relate to. His thoughts and feelings are often portrayed and written out for us to understand him, it almost feels like I'm growing with him too, as I follow him through his journey. Another great aspect of this novel, is it's authenticity. It stays true to the personality of the canon characters, mainly Master Pakku, his personality is as true as it gets. It almost feels like I'm reading an actual Avatar novel. The world background is well done, though I myself have watched the series and therefor have no need for such detailed environment, I'm more than certain that those who have not, will have no problem creating the mental image of the scenarios and events that play out. Over all, I strongly believe this novel deserves a full 5 star review even though it's still in it's beginning stages. I am eager to read more, especially so now, seeing that the author has returned and is putting their focus into this masterpiece here. And dear author, if you do end up reading my review, please drop a like, or a comment, show me you've read it. It'd mean a lot. Thanks!

Avatar The Last Airbender: Cold Paths


Disukai oleh 207 orang




So basically the avatar or do you mean sub elements, bending multiple elements are such a turn of when your not the avatar.

CORNBRINGER:He gets to bend more later on.


Thanks! For this magnificent review!


is this harem or no harem because plz no harem

CORNBRINGER:Thanks! For this magnificent review!

welp never mind

CORNBRINGER:Thanks! For this magnificent review!

No harem.

Roon_Toon1:is this harem or no harem because plz no harem

Just wanted to ask because I love avatar the last Airbender (from my childhood) Is this story dark af? I always get worried when seeing ruthless and cold-blooded mc tags. Usually, that means the mc is like a monster not caring about anything, manipulating the people around him, killing someone that says no to him... Don't want to read something like that rn so was wondering if the story was like this? Or is it that the mc is normal person but because of the war etc he is cold to his enemies and kills the ones who can harm his family etc so like does he have empethy? Hope that makes sense?

CORNBRINGER:Thanks! For this magnificent review!

He is cold to his enemies. The story is not dark. but is not... cartoony, if you know what I mean.

Aeternabilis:Just wanted to ask because I love avatar the last Airbender (from my childhood) Is this story dark af? I always get worried when seeing ruthless and cold-blooded mc tags. Usually, that means the mc is like a monster not caring about anything, manipulating the people around him, killing someone that says no to him... Don't want to read something like that rn so was wondering if the story was like this? Or is it that the mc is normal person but because of the war etc he is cold to his enemies and kills the ones who can harm his family etc so like does he have empethy? Hope that makes sense?


Hmm might as well try this. been a long time since i read a fanfiction here cause they are all cringey and stupid. The "character devolopment" hooked me so... **: 5 Star rating is suspicious as hell. makes me want to avoid this.


sounds good


It’s definitely one of the better avatar fics put there. It’s got proper character developement and growth, and plus, Iroh is in it.

ProfessorofCulture:sounds good

who is the love interest?🧐

CORNBRINGER:He is cold to his enemies. The story is not dark. but is not... cartoony, if you know what I mean.

Have you given it a try yet? Hope you didn't dislike it :/

floW:Hmm might as well try this. been a long time since i read a fanfiction here cause they are all cringey and stupid. The "character devolopment" hooked me so... **: 5 Star rating is suspicious as hell. makes me want to avoid this.

yep it's crazy good ain't it.


Yes, of course, normal, it is very normal that in one moment you are a humorous, grateful person who would sacrifice his life for others and that in another you are a manipulative emo who wants to be away from everyone and who tries to kill his teacher


Yes! Exactly, I'm glad you get it, it's hard for me sometimes to deliver a message and have others receive it as I intended it to be. Communication was never my forte.

Benjamin_Bebans:Yes, of course, normal, it is very normal that in one moment you are a humorous, grateful person who would sacrifice his life for others and that in another you are a manipulative emo who wants to be away from everyone and who tries to kill his teacher

If i may ask if you will continue after This story ends and make another story with korra's story? you know since you changed it by merging with vatu.




