
Review Detail of SDIVAD in Lucifer's Descendant System

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Ok so this is an amainh book the plot keeps you hooked the characters are amazing and the writing is fabulous Ive been reading this since almost day one and i love this i just forgot to write a review earlier but this is amazing i recommend u read this Also Ignore all the hate thats been happening recently on this book its all lies and bullshit

Lucifer's Descendant System


Disukai oleh 2 orang




For those who do not believe, I will give some context of the situation: This guy is a Brazilian youtuber who was exposed to a few months, in addition to having intimate photos of a minor (who was about 15 years old) and admit it, he he also posted heavy content and profited from it (like, for example, the video where he recorded about a RECENT su1c1d3 of a youtuber and even put about 10 ads in the video.) and that is not all, he has already charged 400 reais (which is 73.52 American dollars, I do not know if this is a large amount in the USA, but here in Brazil this amount is absurd.) saying that whoever would pay would become his "friend" , and when its subscribers asked about it it made a big drama. And that’s why so many Brazilians got together to report this guy, Zy disappeared from the internet after his exposed, and now he thinks he can just run away and start posting content in another language so as not to be discovered and reported, but he doesn’t can. This guy is not a good person and a shame for Brazil, please don't pay any attention to him. And, sorry for my bad English, I tried to make a good text lol.


This guy is total shit. His YouTube channel, called Zy, gained views at the expense of tragedies, which he made a point of filling with ads. He exchanged messages and nude photos with an underage girl, and then scoffed at the situation saying the exposure made him make more money. It has an ASMR +18 channel with forced voice and DISGUSTING content. It doesn't deserve anything good.


This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

Yeager_:This guy is total shit. His YouTube channel, called Zy, gained views at the expense of tragedies, which he made a point of filling with ads. He exchanged messages and nude photos with an underage girl, and then scoffed at the situation saying the exposure made him make more money. It has an ASMR +18 channel with forced voice and DISGUSTING content. It doesn't deserve anything good.

he changed the location from brazil to indonesia after discovering his profile, if you look a little bit in the reviews you can even see a former subscriber of his channel "zy" don't defend a pedophile!

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

hahahaha indonesian yes, of course. It's not like he could change that to try to hide from the accusations. If you don't believe it, look for this information for yourself

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

before this attack by Brazilians, their location was different. And an old subscriber decided to share this profile after he mocked his exposed for pedophilia saying he was earning more for this site than for youtube, do not talk nonsense without knowing sources, not to mention that I do not doubt anything that is a fake account of the boy himself exposed, the way he is disgusting

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

Gringo ingênuo coitado

Yeager_:hahahaha indonesian yes, of course. It's not like he could change that to try to hide from the accusations. If you don't believe it, look for this information for yourself

Kkkkkkk né mesmo, só pesquisar pelo canal dele cara

Srhgg:Gringo ingênuo coitado

No one here would be wasting their time on these comments to ruin an innocent person's life. We just think it's wrong that this shit keeps on gaining money and visibility and makes fun of everyone's face after he did what he did.

Yeager_:hahahaha indonesian yes, of course. It's not like he could change that to try to hide from the accusations. If you don't believe it, look for this information for yourself

It is obvious that when he realized that his profile was discovered, he moved the location from Brazil to Indonesia, but if you want to defend pedophiles, go ahead.

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

ele só mudou de localização por causa do exposed dele, ele não aprende com os próprios erros e tenta fugi da situação, e ta si aproveitando disso tbm, mais graça a um usuário foi fácil acha o perfil dele, mais msm assim tem gente que defende ele

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

Do not defend pedophile, are you with your mind in place? This disgusting man is Brazilian and another that no one in their right mind would come out talking bullshit about a random person, if we are here saying that this man is a liar and a coward who does not have the capacity to take responsibility for what he did, it is because it is true , we don't defend pedophiles and you shouldn't either, look for information before defending a person you don't even know.


For the love of God, stop and go and look for information that is on the internet, if we are saying that this man is a mass pedophile it is because it is true, have so much evidence against him, stop defending him ... Unless you agree with that kind of disgusting thing, because if u do, you're just like him at the end of the day. His name is Zy on the internet AND HE IS A BRAZILIAN.

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

this is a print before they start attacking his profile ...

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

Obrigado pela print vai ser útil pra convencer esses gringo burro kkkkk

Bella_5684:this is a print before they start attacking his profile ...

He changed his location.

SDIVAD:This is bullshit and its the wrong person the author isnt even Brazilian hes Indonesian so please kindly GO FUCK YOURSELF AN LEAVE

Né mano esses cara que suporta criminoso e diz que é fake sem fonte nenhuma, se tu n conhece o caso cala a boca e escuta as pessoas que conhecem e sabem sobre opinar ( to falando dos gringo burro)

Malmann:Obrigado pela print vai ser útil pra convencer esses gringo burro kkkkk

They are not lies, we are not bots, if you have any doubts just search the youtube channel named "Zy", please do not support this man, PLEASE.


já eu creio que eles só não querem ter relação com o autor e sim com a novel que acham interessante, mas já que ele não quer que saibam que é ele, eu vim provar que era, mas os gringos só não tão ligando pro autor, creio que é isso.

Malmann:Obrigado pela print vai ser útil pra convencer esses gringo burro kkkkk

Não sei como conseguem dar suporte sabendo de td que ele fez, tem que ser muito insensível pra continuar lendo

Bella_5684:já eu creio que eles só não querem ter relação com o autor e sim com a novel que acham interessante, mas já que ele não quer que saibam que é ele, eu vim provar que era, mas os gringos só não tão ligando pro autor, creio que é isso.