
Review Detail of Henzy_5477 in Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan

Ulasan detail


The story is all over the place. You have characters from other series being introduced, other power systems such as magic from Fairy Tail and bending from AtLA, characters suddenly being introduced with no warning, characters having the wrong names at times, and overall the writing feels incredibly inconsistent. The author also seemed to switch to using AI after around 20 chapters or so, which while it was a good decision, it came at the cost of making the story feel robotic and soulless. Further editing is needed, because there's barely any dialogue between characters, and even what is there reads like something out of a ChatGPT prompt. So much of the writing after chapter 19 is very much tell and not show, which, along with the subsequent chapters being written by AI, is mainly the reason why the story feels so detached from emotions. We do not feel the internal turmoil the protagonist feels throughout the story, nor the intensity of the clashes that the characters go through, it's simply something like: "MC gazes at the children whose parents he killed and is giving a proper burial to. Their gazes convey their sadness and grief at the sight. They ask MC's name. The MC tells them, and they run away in fear." This is literally a scene from the novel; I just paraphrased it to fit in this review. Just look at how dull and lifeless that quote sounds. The author didn't even bother making the MC actually say what he needed to say here. Not even gonna touch on the plot since it's incredibly convoluted. All I can say is that it's rather reminiscent of Chinese fantasy novels, which is NOT a good thing in my books. So yeah, not a good read in my eyes.

Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan


Disukai oleh 1 orang




Thanks for the review! There’s a couple groups of chaps that I was just writing to meet word goals, I’m planning on a rework while continuing the story. As far as power systems nd allat, everything is chakra or just energy in general. Arguably it doesn’t feel right writing chars for example gray saying Ice Jutsu” when it’s ice make.. nd the inserts are bound to be random however I agree I should have done more effort in the writing, I’ve skilled over multiple scenes and key points without showing correlation in the chapters to come