
Review Detail of dragonslayernjd in Tales of the Legendary Magus

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Too be honest, this book just wasn't for me, but that won't stop me from admitting that this book truly is an amazing novel. The writing quality shows how much effort the author put into this. Updates are frequent, story development is quite good with only a few mistakes, character design is very good because each and every character has a certain mindset and goal, and finally world background is amazing as well. The only thing that made me know that this book wasn't for me, was that it gives me Harry Potter vibes with the wands and the magic sport. I also am quite sad that the magus' cannot show their magic to mortals, and are very secretive. This was the reason why I dropped this novel, but most of you will probably find this book to your liking, so try it out

Tales of the Legendary Magus


Disukai oleh 1 orang




Thanks a bunch for commending the book even though it isn't for you! Tis really appreciated!