
Review Detail of WhatACliche in The Son of Time and the Olympians

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What can i say? The book started off well enough but is quickly destroyed by its horrendous characters. the characters have a massivive hero complex and tries to change history with no good reason to only to make it worse and they dont leaRn their lessons. the mc starts off seemingly smart but you quickly realize that his brain is the size of a singularity, and his companions are not any better. If tou read this novel you are asking for a fucking bad time. it lures you in with what seems like a prommising story to slaughTer it i frontof you like TerroristS To white tourists.

The Son of Time and the Olympians


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Hmm I appreciate the review. I respect it but it doesn't mean I like it. Respect, I'll give u that, coz that word seems foreign to you. It seems you don't know that concept. You can diss this if you want, but stop being needlessly rude and toxic. You can keep your cussing to yourself dammit. Criticize with careful thought. I read all your rude comments, and what I can say is that its as if you're doing it for clout. You want people to agree with you or something? Nah, so tasteless bruh. Also, there's a thing called character development. All these are bound to come to a conclusion. They're doing it for a reason, and I'm not spoiling you that. For a change, try writing too. See if its easy. See if u can go on and not lose your passion due to someone else's mentality. You know, that's why some people just stop doing what they started. You are a bane of this site. If you're out, good riddance. Just a food for thought, respect goes a long way.


Lmao dont expect any respect from a Random dude from the iNternEt or you will surly be disappointed lmfao. i have absolutely Zero obligations to treat anyonw with reapect. and for clout? Im pointing out shitty logic and it must be for clout? Ok SURE. (Sarcasm for some of you stupid people who dont understand iT) lmfao dont be so entitled thinking you deserve anything

mssuigeneris:Hmm I appreciate the review. I respect it but it doesn't mean I like it. Respect, I'll give u that, coz that word seems foreign to you. It seems you don't know that concept. You can diss this if you want, but stop being needlessly rude and toxic. You can keep your cussing to yourself dammit. Criticize with careful thought. I read all your rude comments, and what I can say is that its as if you're doing it for clout. You want people to agree with you or something? Nah, so tasteless bruh. Also, there's a thing called character development. All these are bound to come to a conclusion. They're doing it for a reason, and I'm not spoiling you that. For a change, try writing too. See if its easy. See if u can go on and not lose your passion due to someone else's mentality. You know, that's why some people just stop doing what they started. You are a bane of this site. If you're out, good riddance. Just a food for thought, respect goes a long way.

See this! This is what i mean. I think you're the entitled one here who's being extremely rude feeling 'oh well, I can say sht whenever I want' because you're hiding behind your anonymity on the web. If u didn't get my point, you were being insensitive. Power of the net. Power of the media. It makes people entitled to their opinions, disregarding web etiquette and just being plain-ass rude. Remember, I am not a bot.

WhatACliche:Lmao dont expect any respect from a Random dude from the iNternEt or you will surly be disappointed lmfao. i have absolutely Zero obligations to treat anyonw with reapect. and for clout? Im pointing out shitty logic and it must be for clout? Ok SURE. (Sarcasm for some of you stupid people who dont understand iT) lmfao dont be so entitled thinking you deserve anything

Lmao im entitled? Because im rude? Im sure you need to Know what that word means first

mssuigeneris:See this! This is what i mean. I think you're the entitled one here who's being extremely rude feeling 'oh well, I can say sht whenever I want' because you're hiding behind your anonymity on the web. If u didn't get my point, you were being insensitive. Power of the net. Power of the media. It makes people entitled to their opinions, disregarding web etiquette and just being plain-ass rude. Remember, I am not a bot.

I won't lie, but I'm disappointed that some people don't understand what the Author means, I won't be the one to point it out as It's not my place but it seems you've never read a long-paced book as you expect them to instantly understand their mistakes and faults and fix them as if they were nothing. Character development takes time for it to actually be good and I would appreciate if you'd either show patience and finished the book along with the Author. Or drop.

WhatACliche:Lmao im entitled? Because im rude? Im sure you need to Know what that word means first