
Review Detail of ForgottenLife in Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

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Hello! Author here. I am a new writer who is writing a original novel. I have read various and thought of writing a fan-fiction to improve my writing skills. NOW FOR THE FAN-FIC There will be no harem, sorry to disappoint harem lovers. Though there can be two wives depending on reader's demand. A poll will be conducted to decide that. I am writing a action novel with mix elements of fantasy and adventure. I have zero experience in writing romance and don't expect me to pull out cheesy romance out of nowhere, though I am currently reading some romance novels to learn, but that will not be the focus for this novel. As unnecessary romance and harem may f**k up the story and drastically reduce the quality of reading experiences. Thank you and stay tuned with me and also don't forget to check out my original Novel based on Indian Mythology with many legendary beings and powers.

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson


Disukai oleh 199 orang




Well there is novels where female mc have harem and it targeted towards females so my question is why are you lingering in novels that targeted male audience and complaining here . Just read those novels no one is stopping you. Everyone can read whatever they wish. So don't complain about here as these novels aren't for you. Just find the novels that suit you . Peace out.

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Thanks for letting us know but I'll leave, there's no point in becoming OP but he's afraid to get more girls, he would just kill everyone until the world is empty and so that's it, the story ends LOL


Yeah reading about getting stronger is pretty boring.

DearCompanion:Thanks for letting us know but I'll leave, there's no point in becoming OP but he's afraid to get more girls, he would just kill everyone until the world is empty and so that's it, the story ends LOL

thank you sooo much


why don't you just get him a loveless marriage because most emperors that have multiple wives to pass on his bloodline


bhai India se ho


i can get why ppl mad at fanfic from harem story to suddenly not have harem but naruto doesnt fit to be a harem story


I haven’t finished the story yet but I like hOw the character is becoming and the powers he has


Brother, if you want to classify a harem, the site is full of harem narrations, why do you comment here then?

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So ... does it have a harem, or no? Cause if you say no harem ... then there can only be one love interest. Two is already a harem, just so you know ^^


disagree with that(naruto doesn't fit a harem story thing)

Seiyu:i can get why ppl mad at fanfic from harem story to suddenly not have harem but naruto doesnt fit to be a harem story

I think the first guy who commented didn't put emphasis on harem specifically. Its more like, And I agree with him, There's no point to getting stronger if there's no Love or Romance in a fanfic (specifically,in the journey to become strong). Because after becoming as Op as you want, what will you do? Start searching for a wife? No, It would leave a bad taste since there wouldn't be a "visible" development of the relationship (probably a time skip, and pouff, mc said " I got married")...

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Yeah I agree with you too. For me in fact The Perfect harem is 2 or 3 wives max , like that there would be plenty of characters development. Otherwise its better to have a single wife , And well developed romance like you said.

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Yeah you're right, if they are all fine with it then its no problem. You've probably read a bit of this Fanfic so can you tell me how its it ?

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Do recommend some pls..

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Capo me re entretiene tu historia, segui metiéndole ganas que esta increible la historia aunque demasiado op el prota pero zafa ponele jajaj porque esta en modo creativo de minecraft o espectador por asi decirlo que se mete en diferentes lugares de la historia, ansio mas que nada ver como le iras despues de que termina tu version de "Naruto shippuden", puesto que tu novela fanfic me recuerda a novelas Chinas tipicas que encontras en **********.com o asiaticas de novelupdates


Aku setuju.. kupikir Tsunade saja cukup


Its because this site is an eastern fantasy site where women are treated as a measurement of someone's strength or status(even if a guy wanted one wife and wanted to treat her well it would mean he's weaker or has low status) it's not degrading it's realistic I think for the culture when those myths spread or for those myths (and having multiple wives in a dangerous time period is a way to protect your lineage because someone could die at any moment) also, I think the top fanfics most have harems and are well-written that's how you can gain views. (s*x sells)

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Aunque no acostumbro ah esto voy a compartir mi opinion. La historia no le da ningun desarollo a su personaje. El protagonista apesar de haber rencarnado es incluso menos maduro q alguien de su generecion. Lo volviste un voluble quieres hacerlo op pero hasta el momento no es nadie. Ademas las cosas q escribes no tienen sentido un grimorio en serio? El protagonista siquiera es hombre ... en su vida pasada no tuvo familia se supone q se enamore en esta almenos... q es eso q siempre pasa en los fanficion no llevan un dia de haberse reencarnado y ya estan con el cliche jurando q protegeran a alguien q ni conocen ... y por lo q veo ahora quieres volverlo la niñera de naruto aparte que tratas de hacer q no aiga cambio en absoluto en la historia.. protagonista op!! Jajaj se supone q es op porque logra lo q se propone este no es capas de hacer lo basico... elimina esto es malicimo


estoy de acuerdo.

Willian_Humildad:Aunque no acostumbro ah esto voy a compartir mi opinion. La historia no le da ningun desarollo a su personaje. El protagonista apesar de haber rencarnado es incluso menos maduro q alguien de su generecion. Lo volviste un voluble quieres hacerlo op pero hasta el momento no es nadie. Ademas las cosas q escribes no tienen sentido un grimorio en serio? El protagonista siquiera es hombre ... en su vida pasada no tuvo familia se supone q se enamore en esta almenos... q es eso q siempre pasa en los fanficion no llevan un dia de haberse reencarnado y ya estan con el cliche jurando q protegeran a alguien q ni conocen ... y por lo q veo ahora quieres volverlo la niñera de naruto aparte que tratas de hacer q no aiga cambio en absoluto en la historia.. protagonista op!! Jajaj se supone q es op porque logra lo q se propone este no es capas de hacer lo basico... elimina esto es malicimo

I agree with you it is degrading but if the story becomes 1000+ introducing multiple love interests helps spice up the character roster. (I think the problem is when you introduce them too fast, or not having a good enough reason for a harem.) (To the author) Two or more wives is still a harem.

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