
Review Detail of amaturewriter in The strongest Uchiha

Ulasan detail


So...the MC dosnt want to change cannon too much cause he wants to be able to predict the future,,,[so, not that interesting]. but whats stupid is that despite author wanting to follow cannon, his actions would've already ****ed it up. ie: Being friends with naruto, saving hinata from bullies...[ MC also plans to save his parents from massacre, some how?]...overall all the **** MC has done in just one day has already ****ed cannon, I dont see the point of following cannon. [this is the reason for 1 star] -this FF is the usual light FF with MC helping naruto and to a certain extent loving konoha, The MC is also a fanboy. So yah nothing unique. Of course MC powers of wood and ability to easily awaken rinnegan is Dope but if stories not interesting the powers arnt that special

The strongest Uchiha


Disukai oleh 22 orang




So just a another mc fanboy that suck everyone dick


and konaha,,,,gotta suck that konoha hard

King_H:So just a another mc fanboy that suck everyone dick

haha, thx for saving my time bro

amaturewriter:and konaha,,,,gotta suck that konoha hard

Damn, I actually thought this might be good. Thanks for warning me.


The backstory is honestly ****. The author tried to make a sad back story but it honestly sounds dumb why would God pity a stupid **** that did nothing to improve his life and just sit on his ass watching naruto and a fanboy for the Uchiha at that? Smh I'll burn this stupid max in hell if I was god where most stupid Uchiha go after their death.


Tbh i read to the latest chap (chapter 11) and i agree 100% dont know why i stuck around for so long. It is basically a wish fulfillment novel. The Mc does illogical thinga like learn Tobirama flying rajin at 4 years old and telaport infront of yhe hokage, when not even a few seconds earlier he threatens your life "are you a danger to konoha' then does a 180 and is like thinking oh cool he learnt the flying rajin he has so much potential. Like wtf... everything crazy the Mc does... they all accept it like wat... so when i saw the comment that said Mc sucking everyone's dick, it's more like everyone is sucking his dick. Nothing makes sence in this fked up novel. Just put a tag the says wish fulfillment plz. It saves us time from wasting are time readings this.


Tbh i read to the latest chap (chapter 11) and i agree 100% dont know why i stuck around for so long. It is basically a wish fulfillment novel. The Mc does illogical thinga like learn Tobirama flying rajin at 4 years old and telaport infront of yhe hokage, when not even a few seconds earlier he threatens your life "are you a danger to konoha' then does a 180 and is like thinking oh cool he learnt the flying rajin he has so much potential. Like wtf... everything crazy the Mc does... they all accept it like wat... so when i saw the comment that said Mc sucking everyone's dick, it's more like everyone is sucking his dick. Nothing makes sence in this fked up novel. Just put a tag the says wish fulfillment plz. It saves us time from wasting are time readings this.