
Review Detail of The_Good_Devil in Closed Beta That Only I Played

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𝚈𝚘𝚞. 𝚈𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞. Be a good person and go give this novel a like even if you don't like it. We need more Korean novels in this site. Let's work together and give every single Korean novel in this new activity a like.

Closed Beta That Only I Played


Disukai oleh 139 orang




We lose a chance to read better books

The_Good_Devil:I mean you have nothing to lose.

Why should I? Vote for a Korean novel and then get a paywall after 14 chapters? No thanks.


I mean you have nothing to lose.

MlLF_AxxL:Why should I? Vote for a Korean novel and then get a paywall after 14 chapters? No thanks.

Vote for it so you can read it for free on other sites

MlLF_AxxL:Why should I? Vote for a Korean novel and then get a paywall after 14 chapters? No thanks.

smart man

oblivian:Vote for it so you can read it for free on other sites

You truly deserve your title as king.

oblivian:Vote for it so you can read it for free on other sites

Ong they do that lmao

MlLF_AxxL:Why should I? Vote for a Korean novel and then get a paywall after 14 chapters? No thanks.

It’s out!


Big brain

oblivian:Vote for it so you can read it for free on other sites

Favoritism because of race is as much racism as discrimination because of race. Give me a good well written story and I'll like it irrespective of its origins.


So far i have enjoyed all the Korean novels ive read: Everyone Else is a Returnee, Overgeared and of course the Legendary Moonlight Sculpter. I hope this one is also good!



oblivian:Vote for it so you can read it for free on other sites

I'm not favoriting between two "races". it more like I want more diversity in this platform. for me at least I'm long bored and tired from Chinese young masters and the cliche scenarios all over the place. don't get me wrong I don't hate Chinese novels, in fact my #1 favorite novel is Chinese (the great mechanic) but I'm not sure if you have noticed it, but Korean novels have a completely different plots and vibes to them and do the same as Chinese novels where you can find a ton of novels with similar plot and it's hard to find the gem among them. but with Korean novels it is different because every novel is a gem by itself, yeah some of those gems are not worth a rock but if you want a fresh content Korean novels will do the job.

Mithren:Favoritism because of race is as much racism as discrimination because of race. Give me a good well written story and I'll like it irrespective of its origins.

I can understand that but please make an argument based on broadening the selection of books or the merits of the story itself. I like options. Still no matter what I'll not support a story that makes my eyes bleed or that I don't enjoy. This story seems promising enough and it's in my "possible reading" list. tl;dr please give more meaningful reviews that'll help one find a good story and not "just support it cause..."

The_Good_Devil:I'm not favoriting between two "races". it more like I want more diversity in this platform. for me at least I'm long bored and tired from Chinese young masters and the cliche scenarios all over the place. don't get me wrong I don't hate Chinese novels, in fact my #1 favorite novel is Chinese (the great mechanic) but I'm not sure if you have noticed it, but Korean novels have a completely different plots and vibes to them and do the same as Chinese novels where you can find a ton of novels with similar plot and it's hard to find the gem among them. but with Korean novels it is different because every novel is a gem by itself, yeah some of those gems are not worth a rock but if you want a fresh content Korean novels will do the job.

Instead of looking at reviews read the book, fücking entitled A hole

Mithren:I can understand that but please make an argument based on broadening the selection of books or the merits of the story itself. I like options. Still no matter what I'll not support a story that makes my eyes bleed or that I don't enjoy. This story seems promising enough and it's in my "possible reading" list. tl;dr please give more meaningful reviews that'll help one find a good story and not "just support it cause..."

Why is this book cover extremely familiar? I could had sworn I saw it in another game novel


I completely agree with you. reviews usually decide which book will be in my "will read books" library and I hate those exp reviews very much (they have the right to write a review to receive exp, but they should delete it afterwards) anyway for this book, it was a special case. the activity wasn't just about a handful of Korean books. the activity decided if Korean novels will be a part of this platform. that why I copied this review and past it for every novel In the activity because this novels have big responsibilities which will decide the fate of all the possible Korean novels that will enter this platform. of course as a proud reader I will not write a review until getting the gust of the novel and have enough valid points to provide as a proof.

Mithren:I can understand that but please make an argument based on broadening the selection of books or the merits of the story itself. I like options. Still no matter what I'll not support a story that makes my eyes bleed or that I don't enjoy. This story seems promising enough and it's in my "possible reading" list. tl;dr please give more meaningful reviews that'll help one find a good story and not "just support it cause..."

Ahhh. I didn't know this was part of a test group on if Korean novels had a market. That knowledge actually makes a big difference on how I view the original post.

The_Good_Devil:I completely agree with you. reviews usually decide which book will be in my "will read books" library and I hate those exp reviews very much (they have the right to write a review to receive exp, but they should delete it afterwards) anyway for this book, it was a special case. the activity wasn't just about a handful of Korean books. the activity decided if Korean novels will be a part of this platform. that why I copied this review and past it for every novel In the activity because this novels have big responsibilities which will decide the fate of all the possible Korean novels that will enter this platform. of course as a proud reader I will not write a review until getting the gust of the novel and have enough valid points to provide as a proof.

Reviews are there so readers know whether they should try a certain book. Are you mentally handicapped? I don't see how you could make your idiotic reply if you weren't.

Mans_1_Not_2_Hot_3:Instead of looking at reviews read the book, fücking entitled A hole

Instead of going off somebody else's opinion make your own retard. Everybody has different taste so you shouldn't base yours on somebody else's

DaoOfTheLonely:Reviews are there so readers know whether they should try a certain book. Are you mentally handicapped? I don't see how you could make your idiotic reply if you weren't.