
Review Detail of Bruhdamante in Madness Apostle

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Hi everyone! It's the Author Bruhdamante here, and considering that I have just finished the first volume of Madness Apostle I thought that it would be prudent to write a review after a total of 117 chapters. This will be kinda long, so if you don't like reviews like this, I would suggest that you either skim through it or just skip to the end, I can't really force anyone to read this, or my novel. But first I'd like to thank all the readers who have read and liked and commented and reviewed my novel! It does only take up to a few seconds to write a sentence or two but I read everything that you guys post and try to take the positives with the negatives! At any rate, I'd like to given an evaluation to my work so far so to at least give a point of view, no matter how biased it is to potential readers in the event that they do see my comment and read it. For those of you who have read, Reverend Insanity, Madness Apostle will possess some familiar characteristics (all the good ones I hope). It is not some sign-in/overpowered protagonist/system novel which litters the current Webnovel and is something that I am proud of writing. The world building, the main character and the presentation of the lore will be similar to Reverend Insanity, although the contents will be completely different. The main thing I found about Reverend Insanity is that while the author managed to describe and create a whole array of characters that weave in and out through the entire story, he does so in a way that doesn't recycle old content. That is what I hope to achieve in my own. The morality, philosophies or world views of my characters are completely up for debate and I encourage active thought into why someone would choose to live like this, or in this particular manner. Despite some of my mistakes in grammar or punctuation, I really hope to push a novel towards my audience that is different from all of the repetitive stuff all over Webnovel right now (and for those people who think that this is just a repeat of Reverend Insanity, you are all more than welcome to read through this and then give me your opinion) At any rate, I hope that you all enjoy, tell your friends and have a good time. I look forward to all the comments you guys will post in the near, or distant future!

Madness Apostle


Disukai oleh 17 orang




I'd ask you how far you have read but I don't think you've read that far given that you've asked this question. His main goal is eternity, or immortality. That is what all Fae Masters should strive for. But more so than that, the main character has a certain fixation on Physiques. I won't go into detail but they play an extraordinarily important role in his decision making and choices. In the current story, as of the roughly 290 chapters I've written thus far, his current goal are Physiques, if you want a definite answer.

TheTrickster12:What kind of mc the mc? is he evil or righteous? and what is his goal? im kinda getting bored since I was expecting an mc like fang yuan but the mc here doesn't act as ruthless or focused or scheming as him.

What kind of mc the mc? is he evil or righteous? and what is his goal? im kinda getting bored since I was expecting an mc like fang yuan but the mc here doesn't act as ruthless or focused or scheming as him.


do you know any novels similar to this except reverend insanity.


Love the book and I believe it deserves more. Maybe updating the synopsis and showing more about the would help grab more readers? Keep up the great work tho!


maybe try warlock of the Magus world, MCs have the same vibe

aaron_siby:do you know any novels similar to this except reverend insanity.

I was expecting more from you ......alas fate played trick and god taken fancy to our author🤧.......complete story in nether world I will join too in 100 year😂😂


Hi i wanted to ask if you will make a second season?