
Review Detail of ViniRedShadow in Paragon of Sin

Ulasan detail


I’m doing this review as per chapter 22, it’s a little early to write, but this novel is doing great so far, and I think it deserves it. It’s a long review and if you don’t want to read it all here is a summary: It’s great, without much clichés so far and if had been one, or I haven’t noticed or it hasn’t bothered me, the MC is mature and intelligent, nor too soft nor too hard, but ruthless nonetheless, a little OP, but the good OP, side characters, and enemies have well written personalities and motivations, not the young master type. The story is entertaining right of the bat and is a really good read 5/5 overall, one of the best originals so far, so go read and enjoy it. Writing quality: As I’m not a native speaker I can’t say for sure that there are no mistakes, but as of now, to me, the grammar, style and sentence structure is great, no glaring mistakes that take you out of immersion and wants to make you hit your head on the screen, in fact I haven’t seen any mistakes at all. And as the author is already pretty experienced, I don’t think it will have. (5,5) Story development: So far, it’s really good, the pace is good, not to fast that you don’t know what’s happening nor to slow that it becomes a chore to read, nice and steady, as the MC is already older we do get some flashbacks, but they are really minor so far and well put, as they do not take you out of the main story, just enhance it instead. (5,5) Character Design: Just awesome, the MC is great, mature, intelligent, and I mean he seems intelligent by real world measures, not by normalizing the entire world population IQ to -30 so that everybody says that he is The God of Cunningness and Machinations, which so far we haven’t seen much from the MC, but he is good in seen through them, anyway he is a “good”, he is not soft nor a pushover, he is apparently ruthless, but knows when to act, and does great with the girls hahaha, so far the best part of the novel imo. About the side characters, they are great, really well put together, with realistic views and distinct personalities, the antagonists we have seen so far are well built with reasonable power and ambition, not one face slapping, “you are just trash”, type of young master, which is great. No apparent romantic interest so far, the novel is tagged as Harem, I’m not really a fan, but I’ll trust the author as he has done a great job in the romance of his last novel, and as far as I’m concerned if the women that makes the harem, continue the trend of the other characters, personality and development wise, it won’t be a problem, so… (5/5) World building: So far not too much has been said about the world in general, we know it is a xianxia like world, with sects clans, cultivation and immortality, but that’s basically it, but to be clear it’s not without its own originality, I’ve read tens of cultivation novels so far, but this one has something interesting that I can’t actually put into words it’s just different and entertaining, the author does a great job of showing just what is needed, us readers don’t get confused with lack of really important details nor get so info dumped that gets our heads spinning, it’s great and it shows that the author has really developed his writing quality compared to his last novel, which had a problem with too much information being thrown at us, so far so good however. (5,5) Update stability: Now this is where it gets a little trickier, in the beginning of his last novel, his updates wore insane, like 2 to 4 well written chapters every day, latter it stabilized at 2 per day, than one, than nothing for a long while, I know he had some personal problems and it’s fine, but it was probably that he had also burnt himself out of steam due to writing at his insane initial pace, recently he has been writing again and so far, has been keeping his promises of the schedule and kept it modest, and with clear goals, like writing X chapters till the end of the month and so forth, I know he is doing this to get some momentum, and hopefully a healthy one. So, summarizing nothing conclusive can be said about updates, but I’ll give a vote of confidence by what I’ve seen so far in this novel. (5,5) Well, that was long, thanks if you have read it all and thanks if you haven’t, and remember this is nothing but my opinion of the novel so far (chapter 22, I will update this on the comments or write another review if my opinion change as the novel develops) , you can have yours and we can discuss it like civilized people we were supposed to be if you disagree. That’s it, bye hahaha

Paragon of Sin


Disukai oleh 40 orang




A nice and constrictive review


Not "to fast" it's "too fast" same for slow, later is written with one t, latter is a totally different word, aside from that i agree with you