
Review Detail of ReinSTR in Death system

Ulasan detail


Whelp, I've read up to the newest chapter now... (CH.31) and I have a second review for you Mister Author... Writing Quality - 4/5: The Author has improved MASSIVELY from his previous works in therms of grammar and the structuring of sentences, at this rate he should be able to write with no mistakes sooner or later, right now there are still mistakes in his grammar but definitely not enough to warrant a bad rating considering how good everything else is. Stability of Updates - 4/5: The author makes sure to update whenever he can, even though he's busy with his school and what not, despite the fact he's been having many important things to do with that he still updates quality chapters for us readers to read! Respect! Story Development - 5/5: Now here, you see... We have what is known as a Gem hidden in the rough... The storyline follows a cultivator who has died in battle, now basically forcefully hired as a "Missionary" his job is to go to different worlds with different themes and complete missions given to him by the "Death System". It's really interesting because you get to see what is essentially a Cultivator in different settings such a Sci-fi and normal fantasy! I love it! Character Design - 5/5: So far I'm loving the characters and especially the MC, his struggle with his past is evident and the fact he's stranded in this "Death System" thing's rules and regulations means he can't return and finish his original mission of revenge and what not, it's quite sad and a good way to add some flavor to the MC in my opinion. The other characters are also rather quirky and interesting, with their own unique designs and sometimes ways of speaking so that's all well and good, no need to worry about any bland characters that we've seen a thousand times before here! World Background - 5/5: Like I said before, the so called "Death System" is EXTREMELY interesting! it's basically a whole organisation that works with undead and people who have died on their worlds, reviving them and using them to complete missions of mass genocide! Why that's needed? I dunno, there's a mystery in that which is also great! Is it fun either way? Heck yeah! The fact that we get to explore many different worlds with their own varying flavors and genres (Sci-fi and fantasy alike) is great! Overall this is a great novel with a whole lot of potential! I can't wait to see where the author takes it next as this could very well be one of the next big hit novels on the site as long as he keeps improving and raising the quality! Good luck Author!

Death system


Disukai oleh 26 orang




detailed reviews and good criticism. most reviews i see on this site is like reviews done by bots

ReinSTR:No problemo~ but what's rare in webnovel?

Thank you for providing an actual description of what this story is about.


no problem~ did you end up giving it a read?

GABaller:Thank you for providing an actual description of what this story is about.

I did not. I'm not a fan of multiverse isekai. Just a personal preference that your review helped me accommodate.


I mean it's not really multiverse and more going to different planets but yeah, glad to be of help

GABaller:I did not. I'm not a fan of multiverse isekai. Just a personal preference that your review helped me accommodate.

thanks for your review. pretty rare to find something like this in webnovel


No problemo~ but what's rare in webnovel?

Archonn:thanks for your review. pretty rare to find something like this in webnovel

A full review I assume?

ReinSTR:No problemo~ but what's rare in webnovel?

oh I see, well I wanted to give a more indepth one

Lil_Stubbs:A full review I assume?

Great review! but I'm a stickler and from what I read so far he's not a cultivator, he's a warrior. Qigong is primarily featured in wuxia while cultivators are in xianxia.


I'm pretty sure he considers himself one, and Qigong is a version if inner energy, Qi, so...?

quaint:Great review! but I'm a stickler and from what I read so far he's not a cultivator, he's a warrior. Qigong is primarily featured in wuxia while cultivators are in xianxia.

Yes, but also no. qigong and qi are both inner energies but from the way he uses his energy he's definitely a warrior. His strength is described as being at the peak of that worlds power. He can consider himself a cultivator but at that level of strength most cultivators could beat him. Cultivator are in general flashier and stronger than warriors.

ReinSTR:I'm pretty sure he considers himself one, and Qigong is a version if inner energy, Qi, so...?

Thanks for the detailed review! Imma read it now!


that's quite true xd I usually try to be at least a little critical for reviews but for this one I gave it some good thought since its a friend's novel and I wanted to let people know just how much potential the story has :>

Archonn:detailed reviews and good criticism. most reviews i see on this site is like reviews done by bots