
Review Detail of DaoisthT9fI4 in Ezekiel, an Angel in the multiverse.

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The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.

Ezekiel, an Angel in the multiverse.


Disukai oleh 9 orang




Man if um hating in this profile is that profile where i am going to talk

Rainorld:Wtf man. You don't be rude to someone like that with no sense. This user is trying to stop the hate to others Authors.

NO Idiot see that shit please https://youtu.be/w7HPfsVw8v0

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NO idiot explain to me how this Zy is more than 6 different active authors at the same time, how this guy who was exposed as being a paedophile is Zhanye, Kogokuru, Lruska, Sister's Bride, Toruu, Intayaw_Din_Dagem, DarkGodEm, ShadowMagus.

StupidEditor021:NO Idiot see that shit please https://youtu.be/w7HPfsVw8v0

Bro, dont talk shit, We arent bots, this YouTube channel -> https://youtu.be/7I2n8RixMTA, exposed him for the second time. As you probably noticed he was cancelled for beeing a pedo (basically) so a few days ago he went on his tweeter saying that he was gratefull for his exposed, bc now he makes 35k reais per month ( 7k dollar ) showing the trash that he is. If someone posted this message in your novel, he was mistaken by the author, since this site is kinda of a mess. Zy YT channel->https://youtube.com/c/zyzyy Zy Twitter ->https://mobile.twitter.com/aquelezy ( non-active for now )

AzagalPlay:NO idiot explain to me how this Zy is more than 6 different active authors at the same time, how this guy who was exposed as being a paedophile is Zhanye, Kogokuru, Lruska, Sister's Bride, Toruu, Intayaw_Din_Dagem, DarkGodEm, ShadowMagus.

oh ok, finally some educated spammer, well then please stop your 'brothers' from saying that other authors also are Zhanye, it in itself is slander and pure lies that could ruin the reputation of many authors

Faker_Mt:Bro, dont talk shit, We arent bots, this YouTube channel -> https://youtu.be/7I2n8RixMTA, exposed him for the second time. As you probably noticed he was cancelled for beeing a pedo (basically) so a few days ago he went on his tweeter saying that he was gratefull for his exposed, bc now he makes 35k reais per month ( 7k dollar ) showing the trash that he is. If someone posted this message in your novel, he was mistaken by the author, since this site is kinda of a mess. Zy YT channel->https://youtube.com/c/zyzyy Zy Twitter ->https://mobile.twitter.com/aquelezy ( non-active for now )

People in the comments are alredy advising to make sure it is the Zayne profile, and just bc we are spamming dosent mean we are bots, I usualy dont do this kinda of stuff, but bro. This dude was acused of peadophilia, he lied, disaperas, and then come back saying something like " haha haters, i make money, even after beeing cancelled", so I think its fair enough to do this with this kinda of trash

AzagalPlay:oh ok, finally some educated spammer, well then please stop your 'brothers' from saying that other authors also are Zhanye, it in itself is slander and pure lies that could ruin the reputation of many authors

Wtf man. You don't be rude to someone like that with no sense. This user is trying to stop the hate to others Authors.

StupidEditor021:NO Idiot see that shit please https://youtu.be/w7HPfsVw8v0

Sorry, but it's true. Zy or Zhayne is really an arrogant and sociophatic pedophile well known by the brazillian youtube community. Again, I and all that wanted justice here are sorry for causing so much trouble for you. Most of us don't even know exaclty how to use the platform.

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