
Review Detail of I_B in Immortal Trap Teacher System

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Great Story, don't really have anything to complain about unless I pick away at every little thing. But that would just ruin the experience. The only 2 changes I would ask for to improve the experience. It would be more frequent uploads. the 2nd change would be either an upload schedule or a timeframe letting us know when we can expect another chapter. An example of what I mean by timeframe would be the following at the bottom of the synopsis: { "1 chapter will be uploaded 2-3 weeks after the last chapter was uploaded." } Or at the end of each chapter letting the audience know when they should expect the next chapter. An Example: { "*A Chapter" "Next chapter should be uploaded in 2-3 weeks" --------------------------------------------------------------- *Comments } Just to let the audience know what the situation is. As it is not uncommon for light novel to get abandoned without the author ever saying anything, because they were no longer interested in it or wanted to write something else.

Immortal Trap Teacher System


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The reason I gave it 4.2 instead of 5 like most people did is, it is great as I said at the start of my review but it is not perfect. There are flaws here and there and small things that could improve the experience. ---- Writing Quality ---- The story is comfortable and easy to read. There are not really errors that I could notice, though I might of just not seen them. But as I read 8 chapters without really noticing much wrong with it I am going to assume that for the most part, it is quality writing. So I give it a 5 for 'Writing Quality' because the writing style matches the feeling of the story and flows smoothly and I did not notice much wrong with it. ---- Stability of Updates ---- I would say that this is the aspect that lowered your score the most. There is not much indication as to when the next update will be and they are not very frequent. Think of it like this if there was a company that had announced that they were going to make a product that you were extremely interested in and that company said that they would keep their customers updated. And you wait for a few weeks or a few months and there was absolutely no news from that company about the product and they did not of an estimated time of either the release or an estimated time for an update on the progress. And after a few weeks or a few months, you begin to get nervous that they might have abanded the project or that something happened and then they gave an update. And this repeated for a while it would make you anxious worrying over when there is going to be more information and if it is still going to happen. Same concept. If you uploaded the chapters more frequently and gave the audience either a schedule or timeframe as I talked about in my review, then I think that would probably bump the overall score up to somewhere between 4.5 and 4.7. But as of writing this, I give 'Stability of Updates' a 3. ---- Story Development ---- The story is still in its early stages so there have not been many chances for the story to develop, but if anything I feel that the development that has happened thus far has been too fast. It feels like events are passing too quickly and the characters are constantly moving which is not a bad thing but it cannot happen all the time unless that is an important aspect of your story, it would work better for a climax such as one of the characters getting kidnapped or something and the other characters need to chase down the kidnappers. It needs to make sense of why they are moving so fast. Though it does make sense in the context as the Main Character needs to try and progress as fast as possible at this stage in the plot, I feel that it was still a tad too fast. Overall I give 'Story Development' a 4. ---- Character Design ---- Overall the Character Design is good. Though the characters feel a little underdeveloped, I feel that if they were developed in much more depth it could take away from the easiness of the read and make it feel more like a novel with a more serious tone. While it is okay to have serious moments it should not happen too often or for too long or it will begin to mess with the feel of the story. So while the characters are a tad underdeveloped I don't think that is a bad thing in this case. So, I give it a 5 for 'Character Design'. ---- World Background ---- It is underdeveloped and needs work, but since it is early on in the story I give 'World Background' a 4. ---- So overall it is a comfortable and easy read for someone looking to unwind. ---- Writing Quality = 5 Stability of Updates = 3 Story Development = 4 Character Design = 5 World Background = 4 --------------------------------------------------- Overall Score = 4.2 I hope that this feedback can help you improve and design your own style. Please release more chapters soon.