
Review Detail of Supremely_Innocent in My Brother Pulled Me Into Another World

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I have never read a novel with such a combo like this. Putting Chinese myths and gods together with Greek myths and gods. XD Poison, you are truly a goal to reach. Though if I must be honest, chapter 1 is kind of sad. I could not possibly imagine how painful it would be to leave your other half, the person you depend on to have a will to continue to live.

My Brother Pulled Me Into Another World


Disukai oleh 7 orang




Thank you so much @supremely_innocent!!!


Hey, if you need tips and writing material, check my comment here, I will leave about 2~4 comment draft there that i made in the past, should be helpful for you (take it at your own pace though, because it a bit long, and you can check anytime anyway, and it fine to only take some and not use the rest if they not suit your novel): *If you need advice and material to research, check this website of "Limyaael's Rants" below, it have over 400 topics for you to learn advice to write those topic there (take a grain of salt since some more like a rule rather than advice/tips, which isn't alway good) https://curiosityquills.com/limyaael/ then you can check the youtuber "terrible writing advice", it will show you how "not" to write those topic, recommend, and it fun to watch and short https://youtube.com/watch?v=TTZEFGvMH0k You can also check my main thread for any material you need here, also there are a list of good novel you can check there in my post for idea https://royalroadl.com/forums/thread/98657 (google "Forum And Writing Directory for Authors" on royalroad if you can't find my post)

Poisontail:Thank you so much @supremely_innocent!!!

* For more idea to use, especially the first one: + Sometime you need to show certain trump card of your to get certain benefit/prevent something there, for example in certain novel, one of your friend have get a dangerous ability that basically make other losing their life span and potential for further strenght there, and other faction, especially the enemy don't want to face it in the fight in the future (and currently that friend didn't joint any strong faction to have a backing aside from the mc group), so they try to assasinate him, but since the mc managed to make a teleport item that ignore all space restriction, and although he plan to hide this trump card, but notice the situation, he plan to deliberately show this card when rescure his friend, so now other can't do it now since that friend can just escape any time when they try to do so (even with trap that prevent normal teleporting), oh and don't forgot that friend are at least strong enough to not get one shoot/capture right away so he still can disappear easily. Basically it good to keep the trump card for emergency, but something you need to reveal it to gain benefit or for deterent again other from making similar thing like that again + Another idea is some certain event, although it seem like someone are planning beind to cause trouble, but when go to the source of it, the mc end up noticed that it was a unintened accident/butter fly effect. The example here is a wave of 4 arm monkey suddenly come to this region and attack the local (the thing is they should only in the way eastern side of forest instead of here), we thought it was a conspiracy (since one of the mc ally was in that region and get attacked, and they need reinforce), but in the end after the mc group try to figure out, they finally notice that the reason those monkey beast do a mass migration here is because the faction on the other side was expanding (and have nothing to do with this attacked local or mc group), and end up take over/over hunting this monkey Ecosystem, so they forced to move to other place due to that consequence/butter fly effect. So basically it a coincident, not all the events have to be around/about the mc or conspirecy thing, the mc could be just happen to be there, too many novel keep make the universe bend and go around the mc and not the opposite + And some really good video on youtube that help for planning there, and also quite realistic (but remember, those thing are more as a tool, not as a mindset): - DESTROY, DO NOT WOUND | The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli - The 48 Laws of Power (Animated) - BE FEARED | The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli - The Rules for Rulers + Self-Awareness That Transmigrators/mc ruler Should Have (if you want to make the team more important): This is what I like about this work. Not an all knowing protagonist who never misses a thing and comes up with everything by himself, while every else is just there to worship and imitate him after he shows them the way. He acknowledges from the start that he not the smartest person in the world, even intelligent as he is. But he's able to see what needs to be done, bring everyone together and point them in the right direction and has the understanding to see what's worth developing and what isn't while possessing the ability to make it all happen. He doesn't need to have all the talent personally. Just the ability to find those with the talents he needs, develop them and put the to work. He's completely essential to the plot while not being overpowered and making everyone else redundant. Very hard to come by in web novels. Most kingdom building novel forgot that people skills are as important, and that Leader of the geniuses are also fine even if the mc are not as good as other. (Source from chapter 218 of 'sword of dawnbreaker', too bad they stop translate it : https://***.webnovel.com/book/11022737906234605/45873928370977337/Sword-of-Dawnbreaker/Self-Awareness-That-Transmigrators-Should-Have)

ArashiTenebris:Hey, if you need tips and writing material, check my comment here, I will leave about 2~4 comment draft there that i made in the past, should be helpful for you (take it at your own pace though, because it a bit long, and you can check anytime anyway, and it fine to only take some and not use the rest if they not suit your novel): *If you need advice and material to research, check this website of "Limyaael's Rants" below, it have over 400 topics for you to learn advice to write those topic there (take a grain of salt since some more like a rule rather than advice/tips, which isn't alway good) https://curiosityquills.com/limyaael/ then you can check the youtuber "terrible writing advice", it will show you how "not" to write those topic, recommend, and it fun to watch and short https://youtube.com/watch?v=TTZEFGvMH0k You can also check my main thread for any material you need here, also there are a list of good novel you can check there in my post for idea https://royalroadl.com/forums/thread/98657 (google "Forum And Writing Directory for Authors" on royalroad if you can't find my post)

* In case you need more idea for social/psycholophy stuff and romance thing, I suggest you check this from my old draft (nothing personal, it was for other author at that time): (Most of the channel 'Psych2Go' video are for get better idea in diagnosis mental illness, and aware about social/how they behavior, so take a grain of salt since even if you have 1 sign of toxic of all 10 doesn't mean you are fully toxic, and the opposite are also true, this depend from case to case), and since this site don't allow link so I post youtube video name instead: _ '10 Things "Nice Guys" Always Do WRONG' (10:50 long, from topthink channel) _ '7 Signs You May Not Be Ready for a Relationship' (6:03 long, especially number 3 and 4, where it more like you consider her a 'project' to be rescued/fixed the emotion damage instead of someone you want to be in a relationship with, as friend or lover. If That the case when you try to 'ship' the mc with her.) _ '12 Signs You're in an Unhealthy Relationship' (5:16 long, especially number 5, because relationship is about invest and sharing burden from both side, not one sided way, which a lot of those who have no idea about how relationship work think that way, because if it just one sided way, even if it man or woman, that is take advance of someone. Don't forget that there are more than just 'lover/wife' for 'relationship', there are still relationship as friend, family, brother and sister, even if blood or not blood related) _ '12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship' (5:15 long. Now that how to have a good relationship, also note, if you note this and the video above do mention about 'Argue' part, try to listen the video fully, because the above is for case where you argue all the time, even meaniless/small thing, while other is for trying to understand each other, try to express their own feeling and their own view, and to prevent from bottling up your feeling too much that it turn to resentment) p/s: Almost forgot this one, should help for other ideas _ Now here is some writing advice from other good videos channel: _ 10 BEST TIPS FOR WRITING WOMEN (include the badass one that not need to be 'manly', I also notice from the video comment that Even female writers also have trouble with this because of the media they grew up with, if you want to write romance, female or similar, check her channel video) _ HOW TO WRITE A STRONG LOVE INTEREST (she do list the title of each tips, but still better to watch fully, she very relatable and not say in boring way) _ This will help to avoid the problem of 'Intellect Sponges', where 'The characters that seem to remove all competence and basic intellectual ability from every other character the second they enter the room because they are "the smart one". ', this also show tricks to write smart characters and technique for plan that easier: || Advice from one of his video to write smart character, also comment from other: "How do I write someone who’s smarter than I am?" (from 'Brandon Sanderson' channel, one of the best authors, he have some really good course that help both newbie and experienced author) You should check comment from 'Xylos144', and 'Sam Fleming' reply below his comment, but if you can't find it, here is the copy, have to copy it to other reply though since this already reach words limits)

ArashiTenebris:* For more idea to use, especially the first one: + Sometime you need to show certain trump card of your to get certain benefit/prevent something there, for example in certain novel, one of your friend have get a dangerous ability that basically make other losing their life span and potential for further strenght there, and other faction, especially the enemy don't want to face it in the fight in the future (and currently that friend didn't joint any strong faction to have a backing aside from the mc group), so they try to assasinate him, but since the mc managed to make a teleport item that ignore all space restriction, and although he plan to hide this trump card, but notice the situation, he plan to deliberately show this card when rescure his friend, so now other can't do it now since that friend can just escape any time when they try to do so (even with trap that prevent normal teleporting), oh and don't forgot that friend are at least strong enough to not get one shoot/capture right away so he still can disappear easily. Basically it good to keep the trump card for emergency, but something you need to reveal it to gain benefit or for deterent again other from making similar thing like that again + Another idea is some certain event, although it seem like someone are planning beind to cause trouble, but when go to the source of it, the mc end up noticed that it was a unintened accident/butter fly effect. The example here is a wave of 4 arm monkey suddenly come to this region and attack the local (the thing is they should only in the way eastern side of forest instead of here), we thought it was a conspiracy (since one of the mc ally was in that region and get attacked, and they need reinforce), but in the end after the mc group try to figure out, they finally notice that the reason those monkey beast do a mass migration here is because the faction on the other side was expanding (and have nothing to do with this attacked local or mc group), and end up take over/over hunting this monkey Ecosystem, so they forced to move to other place due to that consequence/butter fly effect. So basically it a coincident, not all the events have to be around/about the mc or conspirecy thing, the mc could be just happen to be there, too many novel keep make the universe bend and go around the mc and not the opposite + And some really good video on youtube that help for planning there, and also quite realistic (but remember, those thing are more as a tool, not as a mindset): - DESTROY, DO NOT WOUND | The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli - The 48 Laws of Power (Animated) - BE FEARED | The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli - The Rules for Rulers + Self-Awareness That Transmigrators/mc ruler Should Have (if you want to make the team more important): This is what I like about this work. Not an all knowing protagonist who never misses a thing and comes up with everything by himself, while every else is just there to worship and imitate him after he shows them the way. He acknowledges from the start that he not the smartest person in the world, even intelligent as he is. But he's able to see what needs to be done, bring everyone together and point them in the right direction and has the understanding to see what's worth developing and what isn't while possessing the ability to make it all happen. He doesn't need to have all the talent personally. Just the ability to find those with the talents he needs, develop them and put the to work. He's completely essential to the plot while not being overpowered and making everyone else redundant. Very hard to come by in web novels. Most kingdom building novel forgot that people skills are as important, and that Leader of the geniuses are also fine even if the mc are not as good as other. (Source from chapter 218 of 'sword of dawnbreaker', too bad they stop translate it : https://***.webnovel.com/book/11022737906234605/45873928370977337/Sword-of-Dawnbreaker/Self-Awareness-That-Transmigrators-Should-Have)

(Comment from 'Xylos144', and 'Sam Fleming' reply below his comment for technique/tips idea to write smart character and smart moment) + Two main things I find helpful: 1.Smart people arrive at a good answer to a problem quickly. You're writing the book, you can figure out how you want a problem to be solved, (and even tweak the problem to make it solvable) in a really great way, but you have all the time in the world to craft that solution. 2. Smart people are insightful. They can figure out or guess at answers when they have very limited or incomplete information. But you're the writer! You know EVERYTHING. So it's easy for your character to know things - you just need to justify them figuring it out. And it's much easier to work backwards from the answer to think up clues that could lead to the answer, than to arrive at the answer given just the clues. It's a P vs NP problem, or a problem of non-reversible operations. A general notion in mathematics is that there are some kinds of problems that are really hard or impossible to solve, but really easy to check if the answer is right. In many cases the solution to an NP the problem is just systematically guessing and checking until you find an answer that's right. A P type problem might be: I ordered a $5.29 sandwich, a $1.79 Drink, and a $0.99 cookie. How much did lunch cost? Easy, simple, $8.07. Straight arithmetic. An NP problem might be: Here is a menu of 10 differently prices items that cost $1.73, $1.87, $3.50, $2.23, $14.01, $5.67, $6.11, .... and $0.33. What combination of items will cost $13.53? You might be able to find patterns to help you rule out some possibilities quickly, like crossing off the entree that costs over $14.00 But fundamentally you're just going to have to repeatedly combine a bunch of items together that look like they're close to the total amount, and then add them up and see if the total matches exactly. Potentially for dozens or even hundreds of combinations until you find the (a) correct one. You can see how this concept extends easily to non-mathematical problems as well. It's easy to recognize - for everyone - if a proposed solution is good and will work and fits the situation, but it's hard to actually come up with that idea just given the situation. You'll probably have to think of a whole bunch of responses and model them in your head and think them through and determine if that will work one by one until you stumble on something without any glaring flaws. But if you're the one writing the problem... you can just decide that you want the winning combination to be a Medium burger, large fries, a small drink, two cookies, and a bag of chips, total those prices together, and then use their sum of $13.53 to pose the question. To use a different metaphor... you just write out the full Sudoko solution arbitrarily, and then erase most of the numbers. You know the solution is there, you know it's achievable, but you don't actually have to solve the puzzle you've just created. And thus you don't need to be as smart as the person solving the puzzle to write out the puzzle being solved. + When you have decided the solution your smart character will come up with and then do some mixing up in order to make it less than obvious, one danger is to accidentally make another possible solution. That's not too bad itself but it may be too obvious (that it's jarring why the less smart characters didn't see that one), or worse, much better than the one you have pre-decided. Also Decision Trees tool are lifesavers for this case (there are more good comment in this video, especially the reply below that guy I mentioned at the top) ||

ArashiTenebris:* In case you need more idea for social/psycholophy stuff and romance thing, I suggest you check this from my old draft (nothing personal, it was for other author at that time): (Most of the channel 'Psych2Go' video are for get better idea in diagnosis mental illness, and aware about social/how they behavior, so take a grain of salt since even if you have 1 sign of toxic of all 10 doesn't mean you are fully toxic, and the opposite are also true, this depend from case to case), and since this site don't allow link so I post youtube video name instead: _ '10 Things "Nice Guys" Always Do WRONG' (10:50 long, from topthink channel) _ '7 Signs You May Not Be Ready for a Relationship' (6:03 long, especially number 3 and 4, where it more like you consider her a 'project' to be rescued/fixed the emotion damage instead of someone you want to be in a relationship with, as friend or lover. If That the case when you try to 'ship' the mc with her.) _ '12 Signs You're in an Unhealthy Relationship' (5:16 long, especially number 5, because relationship is about invest and sharing burden from both side, not one sided way, which a lot of those who have no idea about how relationship work think that way, because if it just one sided way, even if it man or woman, that is take advance of someone. Don't forget that there are more than just 'lover/wife' for 'relationship', there are still relationship as friend, family, brother and sister, even if blood or not blood related) _ '12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship' (5:15 long. Now that how to have a good relationship, also note, if you note this and the video above do mention about 'Argue' part, try to listen the video fully, because the above is for case where you argue all the time, even meaniless/small thing, while other is for trying to understand each other, try to express their own feeling and their own view, and to prevent from bottling up your feeling too much that it turn to resentment) p/s: Almost forgot this one, should help for other ideas _ Now here is some writing advice from other good videos channel: _ 10 BEST TIPS FOR WRITING WOMEN (include the badass one that not need to be 'manly', I also notice from the video comment that Even female writers also have trouble with this because of the media they grew up with, if you want to write romance, female or similar, check her channel video) _ HOW TO WRITE A STRONG LOVE INTEREST (she do list the title of each tips, but still better to watch fully, she very relatable and not say in boring way) _ This will help to avoid the problem of 'Intellect Sponges', where 'The characters that seem to remove all competence and basic intellectual ability from every other character the second they enter the room because they are "the smart one". ', this also show tricks to write smart characters and technique for plan that easier: || Advice from one of his video to write smart character, also comment from other: "How do I write someone who’s smarter than I am?" (from 'Brandon Sanderson' channel, one of the best authors, he have some really good course that help both newbie and experienced author) You should check comment from 'Xylos144', and 'Sam Fleming' reply below his comment, but if you can't find it, here is the copy, have to copy it to other reply though since this already reach words limits)