
Review Detail of Kavryrazki in Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

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One thing I learn about this site is to never trust reviews specially those with 5 star rating and nonsensical messages. If you would want a very objective review of the novel then you should check https://***.novelupdates.com/series/virtual-world-close-combat-mage/ to give insights: out of 157 ratings, this novel is given 3.7/5 stars. (mind you that they're only allowing legitimate reviews. no spams and nonsense so I'd say it's much reliable than the reviews here) general consensus is that this is a very different novel compared to 'The Kings Avatar'(and in a bad sense. BTW, they have the same author). one of the reviews says: "The novel is fun though it suffers from some crippling flaws that are honestly making me nearly drop it dead already. In case you're interested in a VR novel with an OP MC that just steamrolls everything, CCM is a decent choice. However, I should probably warn you of certain things. Game (as in VRMMO he's playing) is terribly designed. It has the most bare bones framework but nothing past it. It's hard to gauge the difficulty of fights as we have no clue how much HP the monster has or how much DMG MC (or anyone else, really) does. At best we get some vague sh*t like 'boss has tons of hp' and 'MC deals hills of dmg'. Stats are just numbers and they play little role besides 'he added points in agility now he's faster'. It's just too vague to be appreciated. Leveling curve is kind of nonsense to be honest, but, whatever, it's a power-fantasy VRMMO, it's not like you can expect any better. All - ALL - female characters in this novel are insufferable. That's right - insufferable. There's not a single decent female character in the novel. Honestly, if it weren't for them, I could most-likely ignore the first point and just have fun reading. But I can't. Every few chapters, new chick gets introduced and I just want to bash her f*cking skull in until her teeth are slipping out her ass. Perhaps the worst point is that the MC just goes along with their insanity. 'Y she's insufferable b*tch, but whatever, let's just do whatever she says 'cuz I'm a good person hurdur'. Good god. I never thought I'd actually prefer the 'big-boobed just wanna MC's dick' girls in novels before reading this. Writing style is... not that great. Excessive repetition, empty paragraphs of nothingness, very, very vague fights (MC dodged, he attack, he dodged them all easily, bam they're all dead). There's occasional fight with more detail, but not by a large margin. Even the very first BOSS fight is basically 'MC discovered the flaw, MC dodges, MC strikes, MC kills, the end'. All in all, these may seem like small points, but they pile on. Honestly, if I wasn't in a mood for a VRMMO story, I probably wouldn't be reading this. Unless female characters either completely vanish from this novel or improve considerably, I probably won't be reading this anymore. Seeing as there's no 'harem' tag so far, hopefully these suffocating c*nts are just temporary side attractions that will go away. But, then again, MC joined the guild that only accepts female players, so I highly doubt it. Oh well." -BeddedOtaku keywords: Bland characters, Nonsensical Game World Building, Insufferable Female characters, repetitive content.

Virtual World: Close Combat Mage


Disukai oleh 23 orang




Good review, i almost picked this up until i saw this