
Review Detail of FalsifiedKing in Reincarnated. Long Live the Conqueror!

Ulasan detail


This review was only written, because this novel is somehow, from 50 years ago.

Reincarnated. Long Live the Conqueror!


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What? Like the title? Bc I wrote the whole actual novel myself. I’ve never heard of anything similar. I also have this published on Wattpad but under a slightly different name.


I didn’t mean it like that, there was a bug with my app, that showed me that this Novel was last updated, 50 years ago. Strangely that but, only appeared with this novel, so I just thought, that I need to comment that.

Mia_Chang:What? Like the title? Bc I wrote the whole actual novel myself. I’ve never heard of anything similar. I also have this published on Wattpad but under a slightly different name.

That’s fantastic! (I mean not the big part of course) but I would have Lol-ed and commented too. 😄 I was just genuinely terrified that the same name I had written in for my Novel was identical to another novel from 50 years ago! That’s why I was so flustered, thank you so much for explaining and actually, for being my first comment! I’m a little nervous to actually post anything on here... it was mostly bc I’m indecisive about my cover art lol. 😄😂❤️

FalsifiedKing:I didn’t mean it like that, there was a bug with my app, that showed me that this Novel was last updated, 50 years ago. Strangely that but, only appeared with this novel, so I just thought, that I need to comment that.

*bug! (Omg!)

Mia_Chang:That’s fantastic! (I mean not the big part of course) but I would have Lol-ed and commented too. 😄 I was just genuinely terrified that the same name I had written in for my Novel was identical to another novel from 50 years ago! That’s why I was so flustered, thank you so much for explaining and actually, for being my first comment! I’m a little nervous to actually post anything on here... it was mostly bc I’m indecisive about my cover art lol. 😄😂❤️

Seems like you don’t have any inspiration to continue on with your Novel right now, or something is happening that made you stop temporarily, I just wanna tell you that if it’s because you don’t get many views or comments, that will come with time. And if something personal happened, I wish you the best of luck. Actually I might be able to help you out on some parts, if you need some help with anything, kind of like one hand washes the other, hobby Author helps hobby Author. This might give me some inspiration too, because of some insights you may have. My grammar may be a bit off, because I am native in Germany, but my fantasy is enough for at least 30 One piece length Novels. See ya then 😁

Mia_Chang:*bug! (Omg!)

Oh lol, I'm fine haha. I was just a bit skeptical about posting any chapters. I'll definitely keep what you said about Hobby Author in mind and not giving up hope bc of low views and such. Thanks for your well-wishes and encouragement! Also your grammar is fine! At least, I don't see any flaws in it. And now I feel even more complimented that someone from GERMANY is commenting on my work! If you decide to read it let me know what you think! If not it was great chatting with you! I'm happy to have had the opportunity. (-^ A ^-)


P.S: Your username is AWESOME! <3 <3 <3


Oh why, thank you. Actually I’m pretty proud of that name, I had a few usernames, on different sites, and they somehow ended up becoming a little story, unintentionally so.

Mia_Chang:P.S: Your username is AWESOME! <3 <3 <3

Well I will definitely read it, and give you my feedback 😁

Mia_Chang:Oh lol, I'm fine haha. I was just a bit skeptical about posting any chapters. I'll definitely keep what you said about Hobby Author in mind and not giving up hope bc of low views and such. Thanks for your well-wishes and encouragement! Also your grammar is fine! At least, I don't see any flaws in it. And now I feel even more complimented that someone from GERMANY is commenting on my work! If you decide to read it let me know what you think! If not it was great chatting with you! I'm happy to have had the opportunity. (-^ A ^-)

One of these days you HAVE to tell me about it! And thanks! No pressure and no big deal if you don't! <3

FalsifiedKing:Oh why, thank you. Actually I’m pretty proud of that name, I had a few usernames, on different sites, and they somehow ended up becoming a little story, unintentionally so.

Well now that you‘ve made it sound like a great mystery, it seems like I need to keep that story hidden for a while, actually would’ve told you it, if you would’ve asked me nicely. Imma tell you that story, in a few days or maybe in a year, I could tell you that story at any point of time...but let’s keep that mystery a mystery for a little while longer😁 If I tell you actually has to do with how well we hit it off/ whether you even wanna become a friend of mine. Ps. What is Wattpad?

Mia_Chang:One of these days you HAVE to tell me about it! And thanks! No pressure and no big deal if you don't! <3

Pps. What time difference do we actually have? I wanna know whether, I can expect an answer in an hour, or if I need to wait a day Ppps. I want to continue on writing with you, if you are fine with that. Kind of like pen pals. I am able to tune my writing skills and write with a lovely lady/ Nice guy, would be like hitting two birds with one stone.

Mia_Chang:One of these days you HAVE to tell me about it! And thanks! No pressure and no big deal if you don't! <3

I would LOVE to be your friend! I happily accept! You live in Germany right? As i write you this reply it's currently 10:14pm or 22:14 in military. How would you like to continue to chat? On here or another platform? I can't wait to hear your story and what it all entails for you to have come up with such a charming Username and i really look forward to hearing about it! I admit i haven't had a pen pal since i was in middle school but this will be fun and exciting! I can't wait! Sorry for any late responses, tbh i'm not on this site to often, tho i've been pretty consistent recently only because I'm curious about the status of my poorly written novel. (- ^V^ -) (lol!)

FalsifiedKing:Pps. What time difference do we actually have? I wanna know whether, I can expect an answer in an hour, or if I need to wait a day Ppps. I want to continue on writing with you, if you are fine with that. Kind of like pen pals. I am able to tune my writing skills and write with a lovely lady/ Nice guy, would be like hitting two birds with one stone.

Hmm, okay so it is a 6 hour time difference, do you come from America? Also to which platform we should use, I am fine with any form of communication, WhatsApp, Twitter Instagram, reddit, doves, string phones, through star constellations etc. Seems like you are really excited about that story, I will tell you it on a special occasion, to make it more unique. Since you’ve admitted to not having a pen pal since middle school, I should admit as well. I never had a pen pal, In German, or at least in the part of Germany I am in, we don’t really do such things. I mean either that, or I’m the odd ones out, in that regard. Also I am fine with you not answering instantly. N-not like I am always refreshing wattpad for you, b-baka. But joking aside, pen pals should be flexible, shouldn’t they? I don’t think back in 1800 they waited only a few hours for a reply, more like a few weeks, so what is a few hours in retrospect.

Mia_Chang:I would LOVE to be your friend! I happily accept! You live in Germany right? As i write you this reply it's currently 10:14pm or 22:14 in military. How would you like to continue to chat? On here or another platform? I can't wait to hear your story and what it all entails for you to have come up with such a charming Username and i really look forward to hearing about it! I admit i haven't had a pen pal since i was in middle school but this will be fun and exciting! I can't wait! Sorry for any late responses, tbh i'm not on this site to often, tho i've been pretty consistent recently only because I'm curious about the status of my poorly written novel. (- ^V^ -) (lol!)

Also after taking my first look at your Novel I can say with certainty, It is NOT poorly written, so to say, it has an interesting writing style and personally I think it’s great.

Mia_Chang:I would LOVE to be your friend! I happily accept! You live in Germany right? As i write you this reply it's currently 10:14pm or 22:14 in military. How would you like to continue to chat? On here or another platform? I can't wait to hear your story and what it all entails for you to have come up with such a charming Username and i really look forward to hearing about it! I admit i haven't had a pen pal since i was in middle school but this will be fun and exciting! I can't wait! Sorry for any late responses, tbh i'm not on this site to often, tho i've been pretty consistent recently only because I'm curious about the status of my poorly written novel. (- ^V^ -) (lol!)

It’s filled with a lot of errors, this I know to be a fact, plus my writing style is odd to say the least, what are your thoughts? To detailed? Is my grammar inconsistent? Does it make you want to read more bc it hooks you? Or are you impatient to get to the point?? And I guess the biggest question of all is, does it all make sense?

FalsifiedKing:Also after taking my first look at your Novel I can say with certainty, It is NOT poorly written, so to say, it has an interesting writing style and personally I think it’s great.

P.s: thank you so much for reading btw! You honestly didn’t have to but I really appreciate it so much! 💗💗💗

FalsifiedKing:Also after taking my first look at your Novel I can say with certainty, It is NOT poorly written, so to say, it has an interesting writing style and personally I think it’s great.

Well first, there are some times in which you don’t really use the appropriate metaphors, for the situations. I can’t really recall where in the text I’ve found this, but I’m sure it happened somewhere in your text, as that was something I didn’t really like. Also your Text is a bit too longwinded, it is appreciated if some situations are more detailed, but I think that too much detail will destroy the atmosphere. And last but not least, if your vocabulary is well enough, I think your writing style may work very well, but only if you know the difference between, detailing to much and to little. All in all, your style is more than good enough for a starter Author, but if you want to go beyond, work on these problems a bit.

Mia_Chang:It’s filled with a lot of errors, this I know to be a fact, plus my writing style is odd to say the least, what are your thoughts? To detailed? Is my grammar inconsistent? Does it make you want to read more bc it hooks you? Or are you impatient to get to the point?? And I guess the biggest question of all is, does it all make sense?

I really appreciate the honesty! Your right, I am big on details and in text messages or writing I’ve often been told I’m incredibly long winded. It’s a habit I’ve found super hard to break. I’ll try and work on this. It’ll be tough 😭💔 but it’s worse having something I want to share with others and shooting myself in the foot because I essentially can’t stop talking.... 😥

FalsifiedKing:Well first, there are some times in which you don’t really use the appropriate metaphors, for the situations. I can’t really recall where in the text I’ve found this, but I’m sure it happened somewhere in your text, as that was something I didn’t really like. Also your Text is a bit too longwinded, it is appreciated if some situations are more detailed, but I think that too much detail will destroy the atmosphere. And last but not least, if your vocabulary is well enough, I think your writing style may work very well, but only if you know the difference between, detailing to much and to little. All in all, your style is more than good enough for a starter Author, but if you want to go beyond, work on these problems a bit.

Hang in there, I believe in you✊ Also writing much, and being too detailed is many times better than writing to little and needing too much time to write something decent. I often need many hours just to write enough details and plot for one chapter/ 1,4K words, in that department I am quite envious of you. Well if you pull it off nicely, a story that has many details will work, but still try to keep the moments which are too detailed to a minimum. Try to only write the ‘epic’/ important moments with great detail, if you do it like that, I think your writing style will work just fine and many people will love to read your book/s.

Mia_Chang:I really appreciate the honesty! Your right, I am big on details and in text messages or writing I’ve often been told I’m incredibly long winded. It’s a habit I’ve found super hard to break. I’ll try and work on this. It’ll be tough 😭💔 but it’s worse having something I want to share with others and shooting myself in the foot because I essentially can’t stop talking.... 😥