
Review Detail of DragonGod999x in Anime/Cultivation System

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The start of the story is good you made her gf accompany him but it all got **** bro when you just make his gf more op than him the concept is good but the development is what can I say slightly bad, it should be better if their power is equal or he is stronger maybe a bit but you made it like the gf is more of a mc than him bye dropping this your progress for him is the slowest of all and his gf is already ahead of him many times than his progress bye bye just hope this will be successful even thoug with all that sht with his gf bye ciao sayonara

Anime/Cultivation System


Disukai oleh 3 orang




Are you dropping because the girlfriend was slightly more powerful than the mc? I mean, I don't mind it, it makes the story more interesting if she betrays mc, how will the mc get through that trial.


In the latest chapter's his stronger than his girlfriend


But thx for the review


And what chapter is this? Cuz i ain’t reading more than 40 chaps just so the mc could surpass his girl, it leave a bad taste in my mouth

Marchen:In the latest chapter's his stronger than his girlfriend

43 you can read it and see if u like it are not.

Ikkarus:And what chapter is this? Cuz i ain’t reading more than 40 chaps just so the mc could surpass his girl, it leave a bad taste in my mouth

43 you can read it and see if u like it are not.

Ikkarus:And what chapter is this? Cuz i ain’t reading more than 40 chaps just so the mc could surpass his girl, it leave a bad taste in my mouth

I hated when he went to the city and people tried to go after his girl and he stayed quite like tf kill them only you can have her

Ikkarus:And what chapter is this? Cuz i ain’t reading more than 40 chaps just so the mc could surpass his girl, it leave a bad taste in my mouth

bro the story is literally ruined because of it I skipped chapters just so that he became more powerful than his gf but well it's just when she gave him something it's already at chapter 43 and I think she is still stronger than him after that this novel has potential but wasted through the slow paced progress of the mc and the fast paced progress of his gf.

EricRodgers1234:Are you dropping because the girlfriend was slightly more powerful than the mc? I mean, I don't mind it, it makes the story more interesting if she betrays mc, how will the mc get through that trial.