
Review Detail of F1ippyF1op in Summoner Sovereign

Ulasan detail


VERY emotional, VERY confrontational, VERY insecure author who will repeatedly tell you to go read something else whenever you point out something you don't like in the comments. Very well then, i will go read other, better stories with more stable authors. At the very least i will not review bomb this story, as there were moments i genuinely enjoyed (such as the first time phoenix was summoned) but i came to dislike the flow of events. Truthfully my interactions with the author were just icing on the cake.

Summoner Sovereign


Disukai oleh 23 orang




God, I think the author is right like if you don't like a book then I need to swear and give a useless review like. just silently go away and read what you want, like come dude. Common sense. ALSO the author NEEDS to read the comments because it can possibly guide him to rewrite some stuff and the author is not just reading the comments because of fhs insecurity he or she has. I mean like, why wouldn't you not like those people who didn't like your novel but not only they didn't ignore it but also swear and write negative reviews. Come on, it's like your fans of a korean idol starting them down even though they just revealed the truth.


I don't even remember interacting with you...but, if you don't like something, why force yourself to read it? Isn't that common sense?


Replying to this one cuz the app won't let me reply to the long one. Now see here this is the problem. Why are you even replying to a review? I bet you reply to every single negative review too. Why? What is the purpose? Do you actually think i will change my mind after you reply to me? The same goes for every negative comment / review you've received. If its is literally just stuff like 'retarded mc' whyyyyyy do you bother replying? I'll admit. Perhaps my view of your work may have been soured after seeing the sheer amount / length of replies you give to random worthless comments literred across every chapter (an exaggeration I'm sure, but i notice it every so often)

Tomoyuki:I don't even remember interacting with you...but, if you don't like something, why force yourself to read it? Isn't that common sense?

Now see here, this is the problem. I don't understand you readers. If I don't respond, you complain that I don't interact with readers, that I don't care about readers or ignore your opinions or whatever. If I reply, you tell me I have no purpose in doing so. No matter what I do, you guys find something to whine about. And then somehow you turn this around and accuse me of being confrontational or emotional or insecure. You know, it's like a bully hitting a victim, then turning around and accusing the victim of insulting him. Also, I don't reply with the intention of changing your mind. You threw out an accusation. I defended myself by pointing out what you failed to mention - that the criticisms I respond to are filled with swearing and insults, and that my responses are actually quite restrained in comparison. That's all. I also find it funny that you think you have the right to write a review, comment or whatever, but you seem to be saying that I have no right to write a response to your reviews or comments. Then let me ask you, what is your purpose of condemning me while insidiously hiding the fact that my "insecure, emotional and confrontational" responses were directed at readers who emotionally, confrontationally and rudely swear at me, insult me, or whine over the most inane things? So you expect me to just sit there and take it without defending myself, while you throw attacks at me from afar? Wow. So your purpose is to belittle me? Okay then.

F1ippyF1op:Replying to this one cuz the app won't let me reply to the long one. Now see here this is the problem. Why are you even replying to a review? I bet you reply to every single negative review too. Why? What is the purpose? Do you actually think i will change my mind after you reply to me? The same goes for every negative comment / review you've received. If its is literally just stuff like 'retarded mc' whyyyyyy do you bother replying? I'll admit. Perhaps my view of your work may have been soured after seeing the sheer amount / length of replies you give to random worthless comments literred across every chapter (an exaggeration I'm sure, but i notice it every so often)

But you ARE confrontational and insecure. You are literally the only author i know of so far that bothers to respond to prodding jabs like clockwork. Like. Clockwork. YES, i do expect you to straight up ignore hate filled reader comments because that's what you're SUPPOSED to do. You're SUPPOSED to automatically just filter brainless comments and tune them out while cherry picking the ones you respond to. And it just absolutely boggles my mind that you don't do that. You see those novels that have been sitting up in the power rankings forever (like the mech touch), you know the amount of readers spewing garbage and vitriol is exponentially higher because that author tends to write more filler than naruto, and you see they barely respond to readers if at all, they instead make their thoughts and opinions known in little boxes at the end of a chapter sometimes. Now that's classy, that shows guts and moxie, guts and moxie enough to torture us with 50 chapters of straight filler without blinking an eye. I'm just saying it's a lot easier to **** around if the author is just right there in the comments, telling every 'lol bad story' comment to go read something else.


Oh, I don't deny that I am confrontational and insecure. I just find it ironic that you attack me while seemingly defending the readers who attack me. So what if I respond to insults? At least I don't insult them back. At least I don't swear back at them. If they don't like my story or characters, I suggest they read something else, because it's common sense. Probably I am being confrontational in doing so, but at least I know no one can accuse me of ignoring them or not interacting with readers. Because if I don't, you guys will go on the forum whining that I ignore you or refuse to interact with you. I would rather be attacked for being confrontational than be accused of rudely ignoring readers. You might not like it, so be it. I'm not here to be popular, so I honestly don't care. I'm not doing this to get the last word in, in case you think I'm doing that. I just respond to readers, no matter how vile their comments might be, because it's common courtesy to let them know that their comments are being read. I could thank them, but that will come across as sarcastic, so I might as well be honest. But at least everyone knows I read their comments, respond to them, and interact with them, and that's all that matters to me. Again, I am not changing your mind, and I honestly don't care what you think of me. I guess I won't reply any longer because that's what you want me to do, and I've done enough to show that I have read every comment or review and will interact with readers, no matter what they say to me.

F1ippyF1op:But you ARE confrontational and insecure. You are literally the only author i know of so far that bothers to respond to prodding jabs like clockwork. Like. Clockwork. YES, i do expect you to straight up ignore hate filled reader comments because that's what you're SUPPOSED to do. You're SUPPOSED to automatically just filter brainless comments and tune them out while cherry picking the ones you respond to. And it just absolutely boggles my mind that you don't do that. You see those novels that have been sitting up in the power rankings forever (like the mech touch), you know the amount of readers spewing garbage and vitriol is exponentially higher because that author tends to write more filler than naruto, and you see they barely respond to readers if at all, they instead make their thoughts and opinions known in little boxes at the end of a chapter sometimes. Now that's classy, that shows guts and moxie, guts and moxie enough to torture us with 50 chapters of straight filler without blinking an eye. I'm just saying it's a lot easier to **** around if the author is just right there in the comments, telling every 'lol bad story' comment to go read something else.

Aight you replied again so I'm going to give you an example to live by. Pretend I'm an author, pretend you're a reader harassing me cuz you don't like my writing ya? Ok so now I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move and not even read your reply. And then I'm going to ignore you forever. Ok go.


I will never be a reader who harasses authors. If I don't like a story, I silently stop reading it. No need to announce my departure as if it's the airport, and quite frankly, nobody cares if I drop the story or not (never saw the need to announce it, it's like slamming the door when leaving a restaurant, just makes you look juvenile). Having been an author on the receiving end of death threats, abuse and harassment, I know how it feels, and I will never do that to another author.

F1ippyF1op:Aight you replied again so I'm going to give you an example to live by. Pretend I'm an author, pretend you're a reader harassing me cuz you don't like my writing ya? Ok so now I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move and not even read your reply. And then I'm going to ignore you forever. Ok go.

1000+ IQ move

F1ippyF1op:Aight you replied again so I'm going to give you an example to live by. Pretend I'm an author, pretend you're a reader harassing me cuz you don't like my writing ya? Ok so now I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move and not even read your reply. And then I'm going to ignore you forever. Ok go.

Oh yes, because only positive reviews are allowed in this safe space.

InkLone:God, I think the author is right like if you don't like a book then I need to swear and give a useless review like. just silently go away and read what you want, like come dude. Common sense. ALSO the author NEEDS to read the comments because it can possibly guide him to rewrite some stuff and the author is not just reading the comments because of fhs insecurity he or she has. I mean like, why wouldn't you not like those people who didn't like your novel but not only they didn't ignore it but also swear and write negative reviews. Come on, it's like your fans of a korean idol starting them down even though they just revealed the truth.

Nah its just annoying uNless you talking about harem then lets insult some sinners

F1ippyF1op:Oh yes, because only positive reviews are allowed in this safe space.



Bro you are the worst kind of reader ....dumb with nothing good to say. You prefer author's that gives you 5O filler chapters and don't even respond to comment?...that's just messed up

F1ippyF1op:Oh yes, because only positive reviews are allowed in this safe space.

It kinda miss the point isn't it? That 50 chap filler example is just him saying that the author need to believe in his own art, the only result of author saying "This novel is bad, so go somewhere else." to every braindead comment is only inviting toxicity to the novel. Especially when troll exist, it was easy to make braindead comment and author response just encourage it more by giving reaction to stupid stuff.

chimauchem:Bro you are the worst kind of reader ....dumb with nothing good to say. You prefer author's that gives you 5O filler chapters and don't even respond to comment?...that's just messed up

Usually when I suggest that they go somewhere else, they follow my advice and read other stories. I don't get toxic responses by advising people to read other stories. Instead, I only get toxic comments just for writing the story. People hardly respond to my comments, or if they do, they actually take my advice and read other stories.

Araga:It kinda miss the point isn't it? That 50 chap filler example is just him saying that the author need to believe in his own art, the only result of author saying "This novel is bad, so go somewhere else." to every braindead comment is only inviting toxicity to the novel. Especially when troll exist, it was easy to make braindead comment and author response just encourage it more by giving reaction to stupid stuff.

I see.. I respect your opinion. But I'll give you a friendly reminder that the first look is important to hook reader in. The description and the review will make some normal reader scared to read as a novel is what author fantasy and thought that get published somewhere, so i don't know if the novel will be a hidden gem or a trainwreck if the author behave like that. So goodluck brother, hope you get what you wished for.

Tomoyuki:Usually when I suggest that they go somewhere else, they follow my advice and read other stories. I don't get toxic responses by advising people to read other stories. Instead, I only get toxic comments just for writing the story. People hardly respond to my comments, or if they do, they actually take my advice and read other stories.

I don't really want to hook readers in, and I intend to scare them off. I can guarantee that my story is an absolute trainwreck, so I would rather people not read it. Thanks, though.

Araga:I see.. I respect your opinion. But I'll give you a friendly reminder that the first look is important to hook reader in. The description and the review will make some normal reader scared to read as a novel is what author fantasy and thought that get published somewhere, so i don't know if the novel will be a hidden gem or a trainwreck if the author behave like that. So goodluck brother, hope you get what you wished for.

does that mean your a cyber masochist because you clearly wrote that you expect the author to ignore hate filled comments 🤔 and yet you still write them 🤔 if that's not the height of stupidity then I don't know what is, some people might even call you insane.

F1ippyF1op:But you ARE confrontational and insecure. You are literally the only author i know of so far that bothers to respond to prodding jabs like clockwork. Like. Clockwork. YES, i do expect you to straight up ignore hate filled reader comments because that's what you're SUPPOSED to do. You're SUPPOSED to automatically just filter brainless comments and tune them out while cherry picking the ones you respond to. And it just absolutely boggles my mind that you don't do that. You see those novels that have been sitting up in the power rankings forever (like the mech touch), you know the amount of readers spewing garbage and vitriol is exponentially higher because that author tends to write more filler than naruto, and you see they barely respond to readers if at all, they instead make their thoughts and opinions known in little boxes at the end of a chapter sometimes. Now that's classy, that shows guts and moxie, guts and moxie enough to torture us with 50 chapters of straight filler without blinking an eye. I'm just saying it's a lot easier to **** around if the author is just right there in the comments, telling every 'lol bad story' comment to go read something else.

go touch some grass

F1ippyF1op:Oh yes, because only positive reviews are allowed in this safe space.

In my view life is a train wreck and so is everything else. But your writing that I've read and experienced over the past couple of years is a special train wreck to me. Thank you.

Tomoyuki:I don't really want to hook readers in, and I intend to scare them off. I can guarantee that my story is an absolute trainwreck, so I would rather people not read it. Thanks, though.