
Review Detail of Plutonium in Pokemon - Genetic Evolution

Ulasan detail


I have written it so of course I will give it 5 stars. The story will progress as the people opinion about in. It will truly begin in about 15+ chapters. Until then it will be about the wonderful world about Pokémon and will end with me using it to go beyond what even a legendary Pokémon can dream of. There is be no other Oc, and Mc will have to have a huge character development which is why it is 30 years before canon. So yea, no Harem just a Mc which is selfish and will do anything to reach his goal. Now now but in the future.

Pokemon - Genetic Evolution


Disukai oleh 6 orang




No Harem like you sayd,but could you at least add a love interest


Will have in the future chapter. I want her to be special in his life who's actions will change him and after which the true Story will start. Gene modifications is this story base, I haven't even touched the topic until now. The story will slowly progress, after all Pokemon world is known for Evolving.

DarkClowns:No Harem like you sayd,but could you at least add a love interest

Can’t wait to read more tx for the hard work


Webnovel nowadays is weird, so much trash in the top 100 while the really good stuff is below ( your story included ) :D


Dude, comments like these makes me overexcited, for my stomach sake, please stop, but for my mind, please continue ◉_◉

Plutonium:Will have in the future chapter. I want her to be special in his life who's actions will change him and after which the true Story will start. Gene modifications is this story base, I haven't even touched the topic until now. The story will slowly progress, after all Pokemon world is known for Evolving.