
Review Detail of catvi in Reincarnation of a living god

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Impossible to read, no commas or capitalization. Author does not read his own work. So why should we? ........................................................................................

Reincarnation of a living god


Disukai oleh 29 orang




hmm... I don't care about grammar or English as my native language is not English and I am just half learned in it. But if u could ignore them then this novel is a very enjoyable one with a proper ending (at least I think it is satisfactory) and to say the truth it is one of the most enjoyed series of mine after reading all the new Chinese novels that are being translated newly now.


I don’t like people who don’t make books but insults other people books



Ace20:I don’t like people who don’t make books but insults other people books

I don't like people who have less IQ then a terminally ill goldfish.

Ace20:I don’t like people who don’t make books but insults other people books

Poor goldfish to stupid to think

catvi:I don't like people who have less IQ then a terminally ill goldfish.

Dude... D u d e. . . You are saying that he can't criticize a author's book because he doesn't write his own books? What a f*cking bullsh*t Now you can't criticize a movie because you don't make movies? Let's take a little deeper, you can't criticize North Korea for it's inhuman practices because you aren't governing your own country? See how f*cking sick and toxic that logic is? Everybody should have free speech about everything agreeing with you or not

Ace20:Poor goldfish to stupid to think

Why are you backing him up and writing little things like fanfics or little novels is easy everyone can do it but he is like a lot people who trash talk **** but don’t do it to understand it .

Mytaw:Dude... D u d e. . . You are saying that he can't criticize a author's book because he doesn't write his own books? What a f*cking bullsh*t Now you can't criticize a movie because you don't make movies? Let's take a little deeper, you can't criticize North Korea for it's inhuman practices because you aren't governing your own country? See how f*cking sick and toxic that logic is? Everybody should have free speech about everything agreeing with you or not

And free speech what ? This is about a books where people want to show their ideas and if you don’t like their idea just don’t read it and don’t trash talk it but the only thing you can do is say helpful criticisms

Mytaw:Dude... D u d e. . . You are saying that he can't criticize a author's book because he doesn't write his own books? What a f*cking bullsh*t Now you can't criticize a movie because you don't make movies? Let's take a little deeper, you can't criticize North Korea for it's inhuman practices because you aren't governing your own country? See how f*cking sick and toxic that logic is? Everybody should have free speech about everything agreeing with you or not

If you don't like his comment, then don't read it, it's as simple as that And your reaction about free speech really triggered some r e a l red flags, what you gonna say next? That free speech isn't allowed anymore because you said so?

Ace20:And free speech what ? This is about a books where people want to show their ideas and if you don’t like their idea just don’t read it and don’t trash talk it but the only thing you can do is say helpful criticisms

The review section is there for people to review, just saying.

Ace20:And free speech what ? This is about a books where people want to show their ideas and if you don’t like their idea just don’t read it and don’t trash talk it but the only thing you can do is say helpful criticisms

And we are here to say that some of the things they said is wrong and some is right so that is what I am doing here is fine right?

Alex1911:The review section is there for people to review, just saying.

Lol free speech... no such thing.

Mytaw:If you don't like his comment, then don't read it, it's as simple as that And your reaction about free speech really triggered some r e a l red flags, what you gonna say next? That free speech isn't allowed anymore because you said so?

The first comment you posted is saying that he shouldn't be reviewing if he doesn't write, so yeah, that's the exact opposite of what you are doing

Ace20:And we are here to say that some of the things they said is wrong and some is right so that is what I am doing here is fine right?

You don’t have to be a writer to have an opinion and standard for what you read neither do you have to be a writer to know and say where a writer needs to improve. Do you think writers improve through praise no the improve through negative feedback cause that’s what tells them they can change for the better. Your logic is flawed and detrimental and your intellect is that of a whiny child.

Ace20:Why are you backing him up and writing little things like fanfics or little novels is easy everyone can do it but he is like a lot people who trash talk **** but don’t do it to understand it .

All he said is that the author needs to improve on punctuation and if a writer isn’t going to bother to proof read or skim over his own story then why should he bother. Your demand is idiotic only the best critics these days manage to stay completely and totally fetched in their criticism and your demanding that everyone even random people who want to put in their own two cents be held to this professional standard.

Ace20:And free speech what ? This is about a books where people want to show their ideas and if you don’t like their idea just don’t read it and don’t trash talk it but the only thing you can do is say helpful criticisms

What your doing here is that they didn’t have the right to say that at all because they themselves are not a writer. So no that’s not what your doing your actually being a pretty toxic asshole.

Ace20:And we are here to say that some of the things they said is wrong and some is right so that is what I am doing here is fine right?

Everything you say is true but he gave it one and a half stars that's unreasonable.

LTbutterfly287:What your doing here is that they didn’t have the right to say that at all because they themselves are not a writer. So no that’s not what your doing your actually being a pretty toxic asshole.

idk what yall are arguing about , a review includes writing quality ,story development , stability of updates , character design as well as world background his review is just unreasonable , toxic people tend to kill the fun whereever they go instead of peacefully leaving or giving an actual review , he's complaining about comas and capitalization which is writing quality , how does that end up making the review a star and a half ?


Oh so now you can dictate what counts as a review or not? I felt the story was worth one star, so it is. you see, suppose you want to eat a 7 layer cake, but the first layer is poop and all that is dripping down on the layers below, the whole thing is still ruined. first layer is the grammar. if that is bad, everything is bad. I think i gave too many stars actually. should have been a 1 star.

ibegone:idk what yall are arguing about , a review includes writing quality ,story development , stability of updates , character design as well as world background his review is just unreasonable , toxic people tend to kill the fun whereever they go instead of peacefully leaving or giving an actual review , he's complaining about comas and capitalization which is writing quality , how does that end up making the review a star and a half ?

If you could get past the first few fucking chapter it's a really good book. I bet that's how you judge your friends


they weren't my friends the first few days i met them. Making a real friend takes time. If they behaved like a lunatic, screaming incomprehensibly, while not wearing clothes the first few days, then I would definitely not be friends with them now. Do you understand, retard? Or do you make friends so quickly ignoring the fact that they kicked your little sister and gave your mum Alzheimer.

ALittleLessCool:If you could get past the first few fucking chapter it's a really good book. I bet that's how you judge your friends