
Review Detail of XLucifer_AceX in I Became the Villain

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I love the story and the mc being evil or moraly questionable, I can see some inspirations from similar characters like Deculein von Grahan-Yukline [ from the villan wants to live ] or Ferzen Von Schweig Louerg/butane [ from the villan who robbed the Heroine] . While reading the synopsis I didn't have much hope for the novel as the synopsis is confusing and doesn't really explain much so hope you change it or make it better at the very least, as it will help you get more readers. also i know its kinda shallow but change the cover as we might like to say " dont judge a book by its cover" But most of us can be blamed to do so . Coming back from that tengent I am still confused as to who the mc is? [ I think he is the transmigrator with the memories of both the twins ] on that point, is the reincarnator supposed to be the hero/actual mc of the original story ? I saw the author doesn't want more then one female love intrest which i can understand why so . as we do live in a monogamous society! where being faithful to your wife as a man is seen as a virtue and all that other B$. which I can understand as I wouldn't want my significant other to be che@ting on me but on the other hand why can't I do it I know it's hypocritical of me to say that and it might possibly hurt the feelings of my wife/gf [ as we should treat others how we would want them to treat us ] but I don't give a rats a## about it and I would probably marry some one who might have similar thinking And possibly might agree to it [ thinking About it doesn't seem highly likely I would ever be abel to find them lmao ]. but what can I do I am not but a simple egotistical, hypocritical ,instinct driven selfish b@rb@rian of a human or rather should I say a smartm0nk£y a smart one but a m0nk£y nonetheless . Sorry for my rant But what I am trying to say is before the advent of Christianity, having a harem of women was commen. And it is also rooted in biology as evolutionary wise the more we f0rnic@te the better for our species thus more chances of survival for the species basic darwinn evolution!!!! Yaaay The author also seems to not think highly of morals from my understanding atleast. so I don't think he should be bound by the morals of Today's society especially when the mc is supposed to be a selfish evil person, on top of that the setting of the novel is in a medieval fantasy setting world in which power rules. generally our past has shown us humans in power with high charisma and looks are very very very attractive to women and generally tend to have harems many examples of this can be seen in the past or even now [ looking at you gigachad [ the meme ] ] Now I know many people might criticize it and say impossible or illogical and what not but come on this is a fantasy world with actual God [d@ MM] magic and the mc is the one around whom the whole world revolves around come one he is the main character!! the literal main f@#$ing character god[ d@ MM ] it [ i get angry when i see coments like this even if the story has harem tag ] so as I was saying I definitely recommend for a harem. Now I know the author might not want to do it as it's up to him as in the end it is his story but in my opinion if you can't commit to it fully at the very least make him a playb0y. Now on to some of my criticism the mc seems too constrained by his personality and his obsession with cleanness which can be much at times as it hampers him to do things which can be a bit of a weakness in my opinion the mc should be Abel to command him self to do things as someone said "a true Villain Is not someone who can be cruel to others but rather someone who can be cruel to himself " [ I don't know who and even if it is correct but it rings true to me so I said it ] I hope the mc sidelines morality when trying to make a good villan as I have seen many authors mess up the story due to the Villain Turning good or whatever b$ but also do not make the mc so cold and uncaring as to make him a unrelated soulless corpse with not a shred of humanity so much so we cant relate to him and feel somewhat a part of the story and abel to understand him The author and the mc have to understand one thing that morals are chains made by the , society that binds you to be a sl@ve of its desires!! and do its bidding and please it by doing something ' good' irrespective of your own gain or loss its a curse that drags you into a life of mediocrity and chains you to it forever and be nothing but an insignificant character in your life achieving nothing being labeled a loser or avrage . If you please the society, you are a moral, righteous upstanding, person with a good character and are inspirational to other the society tells them to follow your path and strive to be like you , you are put on a pedistal and prased to the high heavens . but god forbid if you dare put yourself before the society you will be labeled as a c0w@rd selfish pice of s@#$t you will be draged through the mud all you life's achievement in the past or all the 'good' that you might have done in the past amount to nothing you are labeled a monster a demon a devil your name cursed for all of eternity and you become a shame on the lifes of the people you love and cherish the ones who you might be connected to, to them you not but a blight in their life a stain to get rid of a mere annoyance you might be h@ng£d, k!ll£d, t0rtur£d and the ones doing it will be prased and celebrated as heroes who ended evil for the greater good pftt... hahaha.....hahaha....hahaha If something bad happens to you that means you probably deserved it and if people try to show sympathy or even a shred of pitty towards you they'll also be labeled as evil and all of this for what putting? your self above others!!?? Sorry can't do this To be nothing in your life but i mere sl@v£to the society sorry but i am not some altruistic €u@k who would let that happen as if . hence you shall get rid of these metaphoric chains as fast as you can. Now Some people might say well i have bested you , and your claims forget to take empathy in the equation and well too that I say f•@k that empathy which is nothing but a useless mutating in our genome which resulted in the ventomedial prefrontal cortex [vmPFC] It's a part of the Brain responsible for many things but among them one is empathy so if you get injured or due to some complications it dosent do its intended job then you will have no morals or as I like to call it truly be Truly free forever from this curse called morlaity [ thinking about it if It didn't develop like that I could a little bit more brain matter for being smart ha ha giga Brain lmao] And don't even think about saying if it evolved it would probably be good for us . no isn't good for us , its good for the society yes, but it does nothing for us [ the reason we even have it probably so we could work with each other which makes us more likely to survive] beneficial to the society We take care of the Injured so they can heal and help us instead of just d¥ing, help the elderly as even though they cant hunt but they are knowledgeable and know many crafts which might be helpful for the survival of the collective, help the young ones as they can't do nothing on their own [ reason of them being like this and not other animals like girraf or cows progeny who can walk under and hour is due to us being bipedal and hence having a narrow pelvic so we can't give birth to fully advanced babies ] cool isn't it Now again don't even dare say we'll by being in a collective is good for you as your survival chances go up [ now listen sherlock if you do that then I will I will will! Do nothing as I can't I am just a guy behind the screen writing this so take all this with a grain of salt ok :) [ would love to read some arguments to my claims as I certainly might be wrong ] on that note I would recommend the author to read up on moral nihilism or at the very least moral relativeism and if you can give a try to [ genealogy of morality by Friedrich Nietzsche ] it's not that hard of a read so I think you should give him a try and if you already have then that is very good [ I am not a native English speaker as it's not my first language or even second it's actually my 4th so cut me some slack] Sorry for my Ted talk and I hope everyone has a nice day :) [ sorry for the censored words webnovel was shadowing so had to go ham on the censorship]

I Became the Villain


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