I love reading and writing stories.
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Good book! Interesting in a way that you'll be excited to know more about the characters. And the first chapter is entertaining. 😉 Good job, author! Jeep writing!
A good book! I like how you explain things that we have to visualize it. I like it so much that you are explaining the setting not into direct words to tell the environment, atmosphere and all. Good job!
Wow i see that youve read it carefully. Thank you so much! 💙💙💙
Nice plot there! A very rare one. Good writing quality also. Will this be a short novel? Cause u locked it so early. But good job there. It's the first book i have read in this kind. Very rare that deals with science. Great great great!
An uncliche plot there. I like how you separate the paragraphs. And you write so well. Good job! I expect more action scenes. Hehe nice one there, author!
Nice! This book is interesting especially in the beginning chapters. And the title left me a question why it was chosen as the title. So keep writing, andwe'll know. I love the writing quality and how you explain things. Keep it up!
woah! thank yoh for this. i'll keep that in mind.
Thank you so much! 😊
while reading, I am imagining this in an anime movie. this book is good. not cliche. the chapters are long, but has good flow of the story. nice plot there!