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But it has a Chance of bleed effect. couldnt he use that on himself?
Ery enjoyable read. great character, great setting, good pace. well thought out story basis and development. Very much looking forward to the continuation of this story and reading the ending.
Not a bad story. little abrupt, especially the ending. dont know if this is the whole book but at least no stone is unturnEd.
Why doesnt he hide it?
Why is she eating seafood? It’s not recommended for pregnant women.
I thought he put everything in inventory already
I enjoyed the story but not the way they wrote the ending. if you can deal with it, you probably won't regret it.
ALMOST SIMILAR? used wrong. probably should be almost identical.
If q is the onlY one who can find zero, why is q number 3
I can’t tell if she likes Jinrong or she doesnt care about him because of sentences like these.