I just enjoy reading
Membaca buku-buku
I thought he was going to add shatter
If they can choose between multiple advancement routes then evolution might be better than just evolving naturally
If the illusion room is self-sustaining then the little butterfly could make a forest illusion for them to live in. Technically, she could make an entire illusion space in each of their bedrooms catered to each of their personalities & interests
With their potential lifespans as they rank up, I feel like a difference of 15 years wouldn't be that much. They're all still teenagers if I'm not mistaken
He just took an order that's due in 4 days which he says is cutting it close. How are they going to finish when he's the fastest worker and he'll be gone for 3 days?
There's a bottleneck to get to the bottleneck?
It would be a good pet to have too. It would make for great transportation
Didn't he get a teleport skill? I'm surprised he's not using it to get around more often
He did say that his mate needed to have scales. Maybe they'll get together after all