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That's a brilliant suggestion. I would read. Or even yet.... Makes it an SI sequel. Kyle's next life. We need more Kyle.
Good thing it's not 2024.... he might have had to forfeit and apologize for brutalizing the other team so much, unsportsmanlike conduct lol.
This was really bad, not the breaking up part, but how rushed it felt. You literally spent like 5 or 6 chapters having her chase him, then one injury later and 1 chapter of separation and it's all over. Just not a fun way to read things, makes the entire romance subplot completely pointless feeling, and brings alot of doubt into the future on how the romance will be handled.
She's pregnant isn't she? home school to hide it.
This chapter seems to be a major derail from how the story was portrayed... Was loving it and especially the previous chapter showing her humanity and how she wanted to just make games.... then out of nowhere, this random plot point gets thrown in, and she's now a goddess on a power trip. what happened to just wanting to make games?
Probably rig a stunt to fail, making Kyle potentially injure himself. Time was the key component Lex mentioned a few chapters ago, probably wants to delay the movie. However Kyle will probably pull some real life Spiderman shiet and make the movie even better.
Does Kyle actually not know about Lex, or was Lex correct in his assumptions? If I had to guess, he probably doesn't know what he looks like so probably didn't truly know who it was.
I like it. Easily shows how the audience received it without doing multiple chapters of interludes.
I still enjoy this story alot, and read it quite often, but it's chapters like this that is the reason why it's not more popular and why it has low review scores on this site and others. Things just never seem to change, Troy and his family are ALWAYS reactive, or worst, not even reactive at all to issues happening, just run away and let time heal all things. This story line is like the assault storyline happening all over again. He's underage yet he seems to have the worst PR team possible of any story... cause I don't even think he has one.