I'm a mysterious person.
Membaca buku-buku
No one walks through the door and says this at the same time
Probably because Kakashi lost his eye so he became 50/50 vision
It would be if this novel was the author’s own. Author just broke up the original chapters. The original is from Meddling Giant by cloud9stories on fanfiction.net
Imagine if the game was recorded from all angles and posted online? Definitely suspended in the future
This story is plagiarized. The original is on fanfiction.net. It’s called Meddling Giant by cloud9stories.
I didn’t read it. This was before it was selected as a trial read you degenerate
I’m Asian and I still don’t understand.
I’m pretty sure only women and feminine men use that term
Doesn’t mean his seed is protected 😏
Basically if Dr. Strange’s cloak was able to talk to and all inanimate pieces of materials in the world were the affairs that the cloak did across time, space, and around the world.