Membaca buku-buku
ya because she's known to sugar coat things hahahah.
yes yes yes you were!!!!
isn't that literally what they do lol.... put candles in the windows lol. he's gonna abuse his little power piece and its going to be all her fault. she's gonna get him killed.
smh who the hell cares about how he will feel when his only job is to help you become queen and protect you and your going to marry the king.... imagine if the king felt like this for all the other women who publicly joined a rite to marry him and he lead them all on when they actually had a chance.... and he didn't choose them... she would flip if he even had a speck of concern for them and assume he loved them and was sleeping w then yet she refuses to let this shit go lol. maybe If David had her whole heart then she wouldn't keep doing this and making Ash think she cared about him. As if they dated.... she doesn't even remember a single bit of time w him and knew him mere minutes before she knew David lol. the hell is wrong with her lol.
she already forgot what he just said to her.... don't marry her.... she's going to be a horrible queen lol
hahahah I love this woman lol
lol oh if only she could love him back so truley and completely..... but no.... the second he leaves she will be doubting him and his love and think he's off screwing the other 2 and lying to her.... and still being completely dishonest to him. when she finds out about his brother she will riot and want to leave him for his lies and sit on her high horse w all her lies lol. Gosh he is too good for her lol.
lmao lol