Echoes of Forgotten Stars
In a far-future galaxy where the once-harmonious relationship between humans and the advanced Andromedans has devolved into oppression and enslavement, Aria, a young Andromedan descendant with a mysterious past, lives on the agrarian world of Terrafirma. Unaware of their true heritage, Aria's life is upended by the arrival of Commander Thorne, a human military officer. As Aria grapples with awakening memories and conflicted feelings towards Thorne, they become entangled in a web of rebellion, identity, and forbidden desire. With the help of Cassius, a fellow Andromedan who has already "awakened," Aria begins to uncover the truth of their enslaved world and their own forgotten nobility. Set against a backdrop of interstellar politics and ancient betrayals, the story explores themes of colonialism, gender fluidity, and the search for self in a universe where the lines between oppressor and liberator, desire and destiny, are constantly blurred.
EricaVu · Sci-fi