Membaca buku-buku
Yeah, soon. I'm a bit busy these days (trying to learn scripting and how to make games. It's quite complicated). Tomorrow a new chapter will come
By the way, he didn't say more than 3 lines in this chapter
Yes, he wasn't that talkative, but he did talk sometimes (to express his superiority and to pick up with Naruto)
yes, and, also, kids take a lot pf times adulti as their roles, so all the kids, including Shin, were conditioned to hate Naruto
I'm writing it, ten/twenty minutes and it'll be out
What happened?
Yeah, you're right. I changed it
Also thanks for the comment, I won't let you down
I understand, but my arcs, even if short in story time, are long in writing, hehe... I describe too much. Also, I know... the fic still doesn't have a lot of too many things about Medical Ninjutsu, but Shin has just started training in it, so I can't make him pull of too many thing, I did what he could at that moment (Btw Shin will create things with Medical Ninjutsu that will be absolutely broken). And he's not more talented than Minato. Minato failed to imbue his wind chakra into the Rasengan (an A-rank ninjutsu) even if he was nearly there, while Shin managed to fuse two chakra natures (fire+yang), but please not that the power of this jutsu isn't that strong, that's because he has an outstanding aptitude for Yang Chakra, so that's the reason. So, in short, Minato is more battle/ninja talented, while Shin is more medical talented (even if Shin created the Kunai Clone Jutsu while young, that's nothing impressive, it's just a trick)
Well, he's not sucking the cast. He just made friends with Naruto. He won't even be in the same team as him, so...