Hi I'm from Iceland I enjoy books that involve things like summoning necromancey and what ever else involves things like commanding things
Membaca buku-buku
my biggest issue with the story in general is the narrative jumps that the author does especially with characters relationships
narrative jumps especially with relationships
my only issue with it is that ya he is fat but him caring around all that weight on a daily basis should make him stronger then average especially with the weight reduction
that was really well written
hazing it happens in a lot of militarys around the world and it can be a lot worse then that
alot of people from what I could tell didn't like this chapter too much
i like it so far but I have a couple of issues with how the plots written like what events happen exactly not just general terminology at least with the lore
they said like 3 times that mot is 1 of the targets for death god just correcting that error
it would be interesting to see how he interacts with people considering both in this life and his original one he didn't have much contact with other people at all
my 3rd book hopefully this 1 lasts longer because I really enjoy writing this