Who am I if not performing?
Membaca buku-buku
Thank you very much kind sir. Yes I am available in discord and Instagram. For discord you can just send fr to this acc: subhodeep28, and for instagram: sir.curryofthemunch.
Thank you.
Btw if you liked this story so far, you can actually go and read the new story The Dramatist Conjurer. It is reiteration of this story but I am writing it from the start and trying to take it slow and make sense. Thank you.
Yes, a poem. I like to write poems in free time and use them in my stories
Thank you :D
Thank you man. I try writing better.
She was not there was she? And by the time, she reached, it seemed as if Flower was trying to kill Julian. And if you can recall the relationship between a conjurer and a knight and a demon, a human would feel more safe around an animal whose instinct is to eat humans, rather than with the people who committed genocide on their culture. And Zana is from the old oaths of the knight, she is of virtue and integrity and still prays to Gods, even though they do not answer her calls.
I don't understand sorry.
Thank you man, trying to get myself better. College and extra classes are too much pressure.
Thank you man, and thank you for supporting. I m here and still writing because of you people supporting.