Membaca buku-buku
Ya sabia yo que cuando termino el muro y era el muro de otro porque su muro ya habia sido quemado y el prota siguio quemando estaba quemando la casa de alguien
but at least kill 1 :/ that was totally possible ._.
i skipped that part bc im intelligent and i knew it was a part of the future of the novel 😈
0 points in int, instant drop
i do all in int he really dont need the other stats right now with int u can get points easier u dont need to lose time studying bc u will know in the moment :/
soul reaver class is trash .-. the skills are single use???? thats bad as fk, head hunter is 100000 times better than soul reaver, the only thing that makes soul reaver not garbage is the 1 permanent stat and he need to kill 10 enemies to get 1 point .-. i hope the mc can evolve that skill to make it permanent or something like that
I have a question, why if it says System the mc dont use it, in the start he says that he have a taming system but he dont use it never ._.
Its a good novel, nothing to say about it if i dont say the good points. For those who only read free chapters like me its slow as fk because in 28 chapters the mc only gained 1 lvl in 2 of the 4 classes that he have (1 lvl each) and keeps beign poor and dont know nothing about the world so its like the first 5 minutes of every anime, thats how much slow paced is this at the start but is good, i dont have the patience to read the things that will happen and less if i know it like this time because u can see easily how the history is going
I like everything, the story is consistent enought and the mc is weak to strong type, but too weak for my taste, and there is one thing that i HATE HATE HATE, it is the way that the mc is totally submissive, Mark keep bullying him but he dont do nothing about it never even when he can in the chapter "faceslapping 101", the girl said that she can do his father kneel and the mc only needed to say "i want to see that" or something like that and it will happen and mark will look like a dog
Bro, why u didnt do a little bit of faceslapping to mc ex .-. was the perfect time to do it all of we know that she is a b*tch and a gold digger :/ if u make the conversation around that theme u can separate completely that character like u need to do bc if u dont mc will look like stupid bc he knows but he dont do nothing about it even if he is aggresive in this chapter teleporting lion and erick why he didnt do nothing about that b*tch