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if you like man who look like a woman without any masculine features then this is for you, but for me nah it's kinda disappointing being a male reader.....
nah,,,, average-handsome face with muscle was far better
the worst figure of a man,,,,, huh,,,
so he is beautiful not handsome,,,huh,,,
every hole is a goal....
ok,, now i get it he used his powers at her
this would turn boringly fast if he turned someone his this easily
one of the most important, but it 's understandable making genius or with high intellect characters was hard....
cannot expect any good reason,,,, might be a forced one,,,,, cause its just doesn't make sense period...............
over used and might be the same format as everyone else "summons will be loyal no matter what and women will be used for pleasure",,, just why need summons when he can travel to different worlds.....