

2024-05-10 BergabungGlobal





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The dreams of Christine and the fate of the Universe

The goal is to make you smart, and to entertain you along the way. Not to make money, nor to become famous. Otherwise, I should have just written a senseless action story. Sorry if I don't meet your expectations but I'd rather not earn money if my novel will at least make people smart. This is for the glory of Goddess Athena, not for money nor fame. I'd rather save my soul and yours than for petty reasons such as money and popularity. What's the use of being the richest celebrity if one loses his intelligence and soul, or if one is blinded from the truth? Well then, lest I bore you further...Enjoy! The real synopsis: A 12-year old girl is in a coma after a car accident. She has dreams of strange stuff, ciphers, codes, and widespread destruction in the universe. Unfortunately, her dreams seem to be more than just dreams. Can she save the universe in time and be one of the most powerful characters ever, or would she fail and watch everything crumble? This is a collection of interconnected thriller stories. * An alternate timeline of my other book: We're tired of Readers' whims. Read if you will... Sample codes/ciphers: Story 13. 2465860I. 9919408245759718530477777777724846769425931046864. Story 18. The numbers, 381891920, had haunted her dreams. The letters, "ine - JLIDYWN WBLIHIM," seemed equally inscrutable. She started with a simple cipher, the Caesar cipher, where each letter is shifted by a certain number of positions. As she shifted the letters with the Shift count of 381891920, the message began to "take form." JLIDYWN WBLIHIM shifted into PROJECT CHRONOS. Converting the numbers into letters, using a simple A=1, B=2, C=3 system, she discovered a chilling message. 381891920 became CHRIST. (C3, H8, R18, I9, S19, T20). Christ...ine - JLIDYWN WBLIHIM. Story 22. **KVBISL ZSPA LEWLYPTLUA DL ZOHWL YLHSPAF** Story 32. There was a "code" at the wall: S 77777 N 69425 I 85304 T 77772 C 99194 H 08245 E 93104 R 75971 I 48467 Story 43-46: 1. 18193332896758a4e5d15e123cf6a4ac914754cce013ffa84b3293c3fe452456 1. JUAHRK YROZ KDVKXOSKTZ CK YNGVK XKGROZE ----- 2. d66bfd032ed4fbc6e6fd2177f9574bdfb6f387cb82036782c89cbb8a6bcc6aee 2. ITZGQJ XQNY JCUJWNRJSY BJ XMFUJ WJFQNYD ----- 3. 69ee8d0c8b03d0dbfae0d8b8fcfeeb00f668253857b8fd7cc9d3e396347b27f1 3. HSYFPI WPMX IBTIVMQIRX AI WLETI VIEPMXC ----- 4. 14a21125e40136e5c660682872a685a39f1baaaffeb151d17ac9d025f141355b 4. GRXEOH VOLW HASHULPHQW ZH VKDSH UHDOLWB

Christopher_6069 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

What men and women want?

What do men really want? What do women like to read? These questions will be answered by this series. I am a male author, seeking to answer women's questions through numerous short stories. Find out the answer yourself, as I only give clues at first. As a man (and an anime fan), I also know what men want and I am here to provide short stories for men's fantasies as well. Power? Love? Mystery? Let's get on with it... ***** Chris was once a normal acting human who, as explained in previous books gained so much power he can actually destroy universes in an instant. But, he was thrust into an "otherworldly" plane where nigh omnipotent females run the show. These females still had their own fantasies like normal women do, and they shaped reality according to what they want. Now, our anti-hero Chris found himself as a puppet (and a lucky one at that) in the worlds of these nigh omnipotent females...Will he ever break free of their drama and antics? Fortunately, Goddess Athena, who is a mother figure to Chris, arrives to help. (He later realized that Female chromosomes (XX) are superior/larger than men's (Xy), and that the "Grand Designer" was female, after all, making him question the Supreme Being. But, more on that later)... The females are the main characters in their Omniverses, with Chris being the secondary character shaped according to their whim. While some females had celebrity names, it is quite plausible as celebrities can be alive, legally young, and nigh omnipotent in another universe, if we are to assume the "many worlds" interpretation....Or, the Goddess-like beings copied their appearance and perhaps even more curvy or busty than before. This goes for anime characters as well. Stories in order: Thriller/Mystery, Romance/Ecchi, Science fiction, Thriller + Romance.

Christopher_6069 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

We need the Gods and Goddesses to fight Evil Illusionists

Categories: Romance, Fantasy, Harem Foreword: This is a collection of related short stories, based on the following premise, as explained in the previous books: Chris has acquired around 1.1 Quattuordecillion (10^45) physical and magic powers. By comparison, a million has 7 digits/numbers but Chris' power level has 45 digits or more. Unfortunately, perhaps out of jealousy, or rage against the Goddess Athena, malevolent entities (omniversal devils), have sabotaged him, causing over a hundred of his relics to malfunction... As a result, over a hundred multiverses, each containing at least 10^10^10,000,000 universes, trembled and shook as the power unleashed by the relics tore through the fabric of reality in an instant. * A number so huge. By comparison, a googol has an exponent with a three digit number (100). But, the exponent of Chris' number has ten million digits (a number that could fill around 200 novel-length books). As a solution, he required more power and relics, to fix the damaged multiverses. His goal, as before, was to visit multiple multiverses, and hook up with the women (or females) to get the things that he needed. Thankfully, Goddess Athena was on his side. Chris had to follow her instructions carefully, if he truly wished to succeed. And, he always kept this one and most important principle in mind: No matter how powerful you become, you still need the goddesses and the gods. Be free from the Grand Illusion. And what is this illusion? The illusion that you never needed the gods...because you think you can do things yourself. Always seek the help of the higher powers, for they know what is best for you. Chapter 1: The new girls. Prior to this point, he has acquired over 150 females of various races...the following are some of the short stories of his encounters, escapades, and adventures with various women...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs