Just hear to tell stories, you can follow if you want
Membaca buku-buku
A good start! i love how the story starts so far, i havent seen any grammar mistakes that ruin the flow of the story though it's only 11 chapters as of now i'm sure this will get alot more attention around the 30/35 mark, readers want to binge so don't be discourage if you dont have any traction just yet ^^ keep at it author
A really good story so far, the first 22 chapters are good and easily bingeable because of the author's formatting. they post daily too it seems so it doesnt look like you'll run out of chapters anytime soon! Good job author keep it up!
amazing start, I really like how the author writes even though it was a bit of a slow read it grabbed my attention from the start, though i wished that the author would update more frequently via stockpile if writing everyday is just not your thing, keep it up author
thanks for the kind words
thanks for funding astra's empire!
thanks for funding astra's empire!
thanks for funding astra's empire!
thanks for funding astra's empire!
thanks for funding astra's empire!