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Nooooooooooo there was too much of a spoiler at the beginning AUTHOR!!!! In fact, you hinted that closer to the end it would happen that, due to the proximity of space and time, he would return to the girl Nila; this was even a hint at the moment of his death because someone called her at the end of the chapter! It is too obvious that it was our main character and not someone else. There was also a hint from the system that the girl was not crazy or grieving, but lived in honor of him. So I think that in the end the main character and the Nila girl will meet. But I think the main character will not live with her but will return back to the game world. Or will he be reincarnated in the game world after Neil’s death? I don’t know, but I can roughly imagine the ending, purely my reasoning. Author, if this is so, please answer, am I right? Just wondering.